Theta Wine Equipment of Foshan Pty Co had developed a packaging production line, in which can fast clean and dry, No liquid dro and auto cap sealing. This production line is widely used for wine maker and other food industry. The rinser, dryer and filling machine can be used for multiple bottle and cup shapes.Most of bottles shape will fit even for small foot big body shape bottles. Moreover, Its innovative design, nice looking, highly automatic and great engery and water saving make it very popular in the packaging industry. The water and heating recycling system increase efficiency and save energy, meanwhile it's a very green and environment friendly product. It gained many national patents and was proved to be original by Guangdong Sci-Tech information institute.
廣東地區: 順德酒廠,九江酒廠,太吉酒廠,廣東長樂燒有限公司等
廣西地區: 天龍泉酒業有限公司,榕江三花,桂林三花,巴馬長壽酒有限公司,德勝酒業有限公司,丹泉酒業有限公司,東園傢酒等
國外: 越南等東南亞地區
其他地區:湖北勁酒,藍帶啤酒 四川省文君酒廠有限責任公司等 海南椰島(集團)有限公司等 鶴慶乾酒有限公司等
佛山市潛達釀酒設備廠 其他酒設備請參考
更多產品及錄像請訪問公司網站 http://www.qianxinda.com
