本企業地理位置位於中國.浙江省中部金義都市經濟圈內.(金華市金東區盛寶花業).大量生產:頭飾花 胸花 服飾佩用花 窗簾花 帽子花 鞋花 項鏈花 婚慶用花等花藝產品,企業實力雄厚,設備齊全,擁有多年經驗豐富的各類技術人員.完善的管理體系.若有意向者請來電聯系:15957993988 15868987088 或面談,我們將以優質的服務和優惠的價格與你進行洽談,歡迎訂購!產品種類多、規格全、產量大、供貨快.暢銷全國各大中城市並遠銷韓國、日本、意大利、歐美等國傢和地區。 完美的產品,可靠的質量,優質的服務是我們企業永恒的經營理念。熱忱歡迎國內外客商來電來函訂購,或親臨本公司洽談,共展鴻圖! 我們支持混批,不限產品的種類和款式,買傢隻要采購總價(或總量)達到或高於設置的金額(或數量)即可享有優惠的批發價格. 顏色:重色系 中色系 淺色系(因顏色太多 隨機發送 隻能選色系).因顏色太多沒有一一拍出來!每個顏色都很棒的哦!
本廠所有的商品均為廠傢實物拍攝,商品和照片一致(但由於拍照的技術和電腦顯示器分辯率.光線的反差等因素,少部分產品會有色差)訂購時請以實際原樣為準. 交易流程:
3:收到貨款後我們會安排跟單人員發貨,並告之買傢訂單號. 貨物中會附有清單,請收貨人或代收人一定核對款式和數量後再簽收。 =======================品牌介紹==========================公司品牌(.SHENGBAO.盛寶)品牌產品所傳達出的優雅的氣質及感覺讓人賞心悅目,她是目前國際上最時尚最流行的飾品,融合經典.時尚元素,追求高貴品質,做工精細,款式新穎,無論是大牌明星還是時尚達人們配戴的首選.純手工制作奠定瞭她獨一無二的珍貴和稀少,令配戴的人感受到產品的唯一性及獨特性。感謝你關註盛寶花藝.這麼偶然的機會你找到瞭我,那麼我堅信你將是我永遠的合作夥伴! 地址:中國.浙江省金華市金東區傅村鎮盛寶花業
手機Mob:15957993988 15868987088
企業QQ:951139808 電話Tel:+86 579 82910396
E-mail:[email protected]
農行卡號:62284 1038 01738 55017 張光永
The geographical location is located in central Zhejiang Province China. Jin Yi metropolitan economic circle. ( Jinhua City Sheng Bao flower-making factory ). Mass production: headdress flower brooch dress wear flowers curtain Flower Hat flowers shoes flowers Flower Necklace wedding with flowers and flower products, the strength of enterprises, well-equipped, has many years experience of various types technical staff. Perfect management system. If there is intention to please call contact:15868987088or15957993988interviews, we will be high-quality services and preferential prices with you to discuss, welcome to order!Many kinds of products, all specifications, production, supply fast. Selling the country among major city and exported to Korea, Japan, Italy, Europe and the United States and other countries and regions. Perfect product, reliable quality, high-quality service is our eternal business philosophy. Warmly welcome domestic and foreign businessmen call letter ordering, or visit the company negotiate, and! We support mixes approves, not limited to product types and styles, as long as the purchase price buyers ( or total ) at or above a set amount ( or number ) can enjoy preferential wholesale prices. Color: color color light (due to too many colors randomly send only choose the color ). Because of too many colors no one one shoot out! Each color has very good oh!
The factory all goods manufacturers are taken in kind, goods and photo consistent ( but due to camera technology and computer display resolution. The light contrast and other factors, some products have color difference ) when ordering please actual transaction process it shall prevail:
1: Alibaba prices excluding freight excluding packaging ( such as packaging requirements please note, OPP bag or bag. The plastic box (1.2 yuan / month ) and flower boxes (2.6 yuan / month ) and bags (0.3 yuan / month ), if necessary please contact us.
2: all goods are our factory outlets.
3: after receipt of payment we will arrange shipment merchandiser, and inform the buyers order No.. Goods will be accompanied by list, please check the consignee or collection of people a certain number of styles and the sign again. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = brand introduction = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the company brand (.
SHENGBAO Sheng Bao . SB ) brand products to convey elegance and feeling of people be good to hear or see, she is currently the world's most fashionable and most popular jewelry, fashion elements, combining the classic. The pursuit of noble quality, fine workmanship, novel style, both major suit star or fashion of people wearing preferred. Pure handmade and laid her precious and the one and only scarce, so wear people feel the product uniqueness and uniqueness. Thank you for your attention to Sheng Bao flower. So the chance you found me, so I believe that you will be my forever partners! Address: China. Zhejiang province Jinhua City Fu Village Sheng Baohua industry
Mobile phone Mob: 1595799398815868987088
Http: / / www.ywbaijiawang.cn
Http: / / ywbaijiawang.cn.alibaba.com
The enterprise QQ: 951139808Tel telephone: + 8657982910396
E-mail: [email protected]
The agricultural bank card number:6228410380173855017 Zhang Guangyong品牌介紹==========================公司品牌(.SHENGBAO.盛寶)品牌產品所傳達出的優雅的氣質及感覺讓人賞心悅目,她是目前國際上最時尚最流行的飾品,融合經典.時尚元素,追求高貴品質,做工精細,款式新穎,無論是大牌明星還是時尚達人們配戴的首選.純手工制作奠定瞭她獨一無二的珍貴和稀少,令配戴的人感受到產品的唯一性及獨特性。感謝你關註盛寶花藝.這麼偶然的機會你找到瞭我,那麼我堅信你將是我永遠的合作夥伴! 地址:中國.浙江省金華市金東區傅村鎮盛寶花業
手機Mob:15957993988 15868987088
企業QQ:951139808 電話Tel:+86 579 82910396
E-mail:[email protected]
農行卡號:62284 1038 01738 55017 張光永