本工廠(金華市金東區盛寶佈花廠)大量生產頭飾花 胸花 服飾佩用花 窗簾花 帽子花,鞋花 項鏈花 婚慶用花等花藝產品,企業實力雄厚,設備齊全,擁有經驗豐富的各類技術人員,完善的管理體系.若有意向者請來電聯系;15957993988 15868987088 或面談,我們將以優質的服務和優惠的價格與你進行洽談,歡迎訂購!產品種類多、規格全、產量大、供貨快.產品暢銷全國各大中城市並遠銷韓國、日本、意大利、歐美等國傢和地區。完美的產品,可靠的質量,優質的服務是我廠永恒的經營理念。我們熱忱歡迎國內外客商來電來函訂購,或親臨本公司洽談,共展鴻圖!
手機Mob:15957993988 15868987088 http://www.ywbaijiawang.cn
E-mail:[email protected]
電話Tel:+86 579 82910396
農行卡號:62284 1038 01738 55017 張光 永 顏色:重色系 中色系 淺色系(因顏色太多 隨機發送 隻能選色系).因顏色太多沒有一一拍出來!每個顏色都很棒的哦!
這麼偶然的機會 你找到瞭我,那麼我堅信你將是我永遠的合作夥伴!
The factory(Jinhua City JindongSheng Baobufactory)mass productionheaddressflower broochdresswearflowerscurtainFlowerHat flowers,shoesflower necklacewedding with flowersandflower products,the strength of enterprises,well-equipped,has experienced a variety of technical personnel,a sound management system.Ifhave intention to pleasecontact calls;1595799398815868987088or interviews,we will be high-quality services andpreferential priceswith youto discuss,welcome to order!Many kinds of products,all specifications,large output,fast delivery.Products sell well throughout thelarge and medium-sizedcityand exported to Korea,Japan,Italy,Europe and the United States and othercountries and regions.Perfect product,reliable quality,high-quality service is my factoryeternal philosophy.We warmly welcome domestic and foreignbusinessmen call letter ordering,or visit the company negotiate,a total exhibitionambitious!
We support themixed batch,not limited to producttypes andstyles,as long as thepurchasepricebuyers(or total)at or above asetamount(or number)can be.In modern society,people oftenbecause the flowersand pleasantappearance andflavorin a variety of ways tocultivate,buy andwear flower.In the rest of the world,humanlife will bein a wide variety ofactivities andoccasions offlowers:
To celebrate theneworreligious baptism
Atsocial gatherings orused as abroochorbuttons FlowerFestival
Used toexpress love orrespect
Forwedding decoration
Forhome furnishingand decorating
In a farewellorwelcome partyas a memorialgift,topin missing
Mobile phoneMob: 1595799398815868987088 http:// www.ywbaijiawang.cn
Http: // ywbaijiawang.cn.alibaba.com
The enterprise QQ;951139808
E-mail:[email protected]
Telephone: +8657982910396Tel
The agricultural bankcard number;622841038017385501 Zhang Guangyongcolor:colorthe colorof light(due totoo many colorsrandomly sendonly choose thecolor).Because oftoo many colorsno one oneshoot out!Each color hasvery goodoh!
Such achanceyou found me,then I know thatyou will always be mypartner!