藍牙測試機MT8852B帶EDR藍牙4.0現貨出售,聯系人:吳小姐13928481335 18126287809,QQ:260040267.
符合藍牙核心規范 v1.2、2.0/2.1+EDR、3.0+HS 和 4.0/4.1/4.2*
Meet Bluetooth core specification v1.2, 2.0/2.1+EDR, 3.0+HS and 4.0/4.1/4.2*
經 Bluetooth SIG 鑒定能夠執行射頻測量
SIG Bluetooth identified by the implementation of radio frequency measurement
以增強型功率控製 (EPC) 測量作為其標配功能
With enhanced power control (EPC) measurement as its standard function
通過 USB 和 UART HCI 控製端口對測試設備進行初始化和控製
Initialization and control of test equipment by USB and HCI UART control port
內置對 Bluetooth 低能耗雙絞線控製介面的支持功能
Built in Bluetooth low power consumption twisted pair control interface support function
測試 Bluetooth 模塊的射頻性能,所需時間不到 10 秒
Test the RF performance of the Bluetooth module, the required time is less than 10 seconds
音頻測試功能。 3 條 SCO 信道以及 CVSD、U 律和 A 律語音編碼方式的空中介面。
Audio test function. 3 SCO channels and CVSD, U and A law voice coding method of the air interface.
Test by antenna interface or cable connection
操作簡便:使用 RUN 鍵進行一鍵測試
Easy to operate: use the RUN key to carry out a key test
Pre programmed or user defined test scripts
BlueSuite Pro3 軟件可提供有關調製、功率斜波、單個信道測量和接收器靈敏度搜索的圖形跡線
BlueSuite Pro3 software can provide related to modulation, power ramp, single channel measurement and the sensitivity of the receiver to search for the graphic trace
BlueTest 2 和 CombiTest 軟件專用於進行自動高批量生產線測試
BlueTest 2 and CombiTest software dedicated to the automatic high volume production line test
為 Bluetooth 設備測試提供瞭自適應跳頻軟件選件
Provides options for Bluetooth adaptive frequency hopping software test equipment
