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    商品代碼: 2866485
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    類型:振動篩 物料運行軌跡:圓振篩 篩網材料:金屬絲編織網
    適用對象:沙子、泥土 型號:供應圓形振篩 應用領域:其他


    適用范圍Scope of Application


    The XZ triple vibration, sieving and filtering machine is used to sieve and filter various powders, grains and serums. By combing sieving and filtering functions, the utility model has the advantages of highly efficient, light weight, compact structure, low noise, long service life, easy cleaning and maintenance etc. Fully closed, the machine can prevent the dust from flying around and sieve any slip under500-mesh. During single screening, the fineness can reach 5mm, and the machine is widely applied to ceramics, chemical engineering, foods, medicines, plastics, abrading agents, dyes and textiles etc.

    性能特點Performance Features

    1、  效率高、精巧耐用、任何粉料、黏液類皆可過濾

    1. Highly effective, elaborate, durable, capable of sieving any powders and mucus.

    2、  換網輕松、操作簡單、清洗方便

    2. Easy screen-change, simple to operate, convenient to clean.

    3、  網目不堵塞、粉末不飛揚

    3. The meshes do not easily block and the powders are prevented from flying.

    4、  物料自動排出,可以連續工作、體積小

    4. Materials can be automatically discharged, enabling the machine to work continuously. The volume of the machine is small.

    5、  獨特網架設計,篩網使用時間長、換網快速,隻需3-5分鐘

    5. Unique sieve rack design to give the sieve a long service life and easy changeover within 3 to 5 minutes.

    6、  機械與原料接觸部分為不銹鋼制成

    5. The machine is made of stainless steel where in contact with raw materials.

    7、  篩網最高可以達到四層

    7. The sieve can have a maximum number of layers of four.

    基本功能Basic Functions

    1、  篩分功能:單臺XZ系列篩分機可配置一至四層篩網,能同時準確、連續分選二至六個粒子段,分級精度達到90%以上。

    1. Sieving function: a single XZ sieving machine can have one to four sieves, capable of sieving two to six different degrees of granularity at the same time, accurately and continuously, with a classification accuracy exceeding 90%.

    2、  篩出雜質:高精度篩網在高流量物料處理過程中能迅速清除佈分含量較低的大顆粒或小顆粒,多為單層使用除雜質高效率、高質量、精度可以達到90%以上。

    2. Impurity sieving: A highly-accurate sieve is capable of quickly removing large grained and tiny grained particles of lower content during the processing of materials of high flow rate. Usually single-layered, the machine has a highly efficiency and superb performance in sieving of impurities, with an accuracy exceeding 90%.

    3、  漿液過濾:能把各類漿液中的非溶性大顆粒物質迅速清除,多為單層使用,其每小時的過濾量高達95立方米

    3. Serum filtration: Capable of quickly removing non-solvent large particles in various serums, usually single-layered, with a sieving capacity of 95m3per hour.

    設計類型Design Model

    1、  加緣型:特殊設計的加緣型是大投料量、防止物料飛濺,易於觀測篩網的機型。

    1. Rimmed type: the specially designed rimmed type is a model that allows large feed volume, prevents materials from splashing, and making easy observation of sieve.

    2、  標準型:適用於把乾料進行有尺寸分級或進行固液分離。圖示的三層篩機,可分出4種大小不同的顆粒。

    2. Standard type: suitable for sized classification of dry materials or solid-liquid separation. The three-layered sieve, as indicated by the figure, is capable of dividing materials of four different granularities.

    3、  閘門型:對特殊物料的處理有加閘門的設計,可保證篩分物料在機內停留的時間,達到精度要求時,開啟閘門排出篩上物料。用以保證篩分精度及處理量。圖示為一層的篩機。

    3. Gate type: a gate design is provided for processing of special materials to guarantee the dwelling time of the materials until a required accuracy is obtained. Then the gate can be opened to discharge the materials. This design is used to guarantee the sieving accuracy and processing capacity. The sieving machine as shown in the figure is single-layered.

    調節物料運行的路徑Adjustment of material moving routes


    The vibrating motor of the XZ triple vibration, sieving and filtering machine has two eccentric blocks installed respectively at the upper end and lower end of the motor shaft and the vertical and horizontal motions of the vibrating sieve can be controlled by adjusting the included angles between the two eccentric blocks. The speed and moving routes of the materials passing the sieve can also be controlled during the sieving process. Adjustment functions of some main angles are indicated below:

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