類型 | 陶粒 | 吸水性 | 100(%) | 是否進口 | 否 |
適用范圍 | 栽培基質 | 品牌 | 大昌 |
莫氏硬度 | 6 | 磨損率 | <3.0% |
吸附率 | 100% | 鹽酸可溶率 | <2.0% |
密度 | 1.0~1.8g/cm3 | 松散容量 | 300~1000g/cm3 |
抗壓強度高於規定標準的2~3倍,達到30~40g/cm3。吸水率每小時可達5%左右。具有耐火、耐水、耐化學與細菌腐蝕。能抗凍、抗震與隔熱。 |
♦ 建築材料用 陶粒做骨料生產的多孔磚用陶粒做骨料。
♦ 綠化材料陶粒 園林綠化、室內綠化用土。
♦ 飲食衛生材料 過濾飲用水。
♦ 工業過濾材料過濾工業廢水。
運輸與裝卸:在運輸過程中,不得用鐵鉤拖拽,應防止與堅硬物質混裝,不可強烈振動、磨擦、踩、 砸,嚴禁拋擲,應輕裝輕卸,以減少包裝破碎,影響使用。
單位地址:中國 河南 鞏義市 建設路209號
電 話:86 0371 63236299
Q Q:2447921242
Ceramsite is a refined clay as the main raw material, adding proper amount of modifier, through crushing, kneading, molding and made of high-temperature calcination, does not contain any substances harmful to human body and environment. The grain size is uniform, the appearance is red brown, the surface is hard and many micro holes, the internal hole net is staggered, has the very strong adsorption function.
Ceramsite is very big help to the early effect of plant roots. Ceramsite decorative, nutrition, good water retention unity, not only beautify the environment, and beneficial to the growth of flowers and trees, both ornamental, but also practical. Some relatively difficult plant hydroponic ceramsite as hydroponic pre buffer can improve the survival rate of hydroponics. Chemical composition: silicon oxide, aluminum oxide, calcium oxide, iron oxide, Magnesium Oxide. Light ceramic.
Ceramsite has excellent properties, such as low density, cylinder pressure of high strength and high porosity, softening coefficient is high, good frost resistance, resistance to alkali aggregate reaction excellent. Especially due to the small ceramic density, internal porous, shape, composition is more uniform, and with a certain strength and firmness, so with light, corrosion resistance, frost resistance, earthquake resistance and good isolation and other features. With these excellent properties, it can be widely used in building materials, horticulture, food and beverage, refractory insulation materials, chemical, petroleum and other departments, the application field is more and more widely, still continue to expand. At the beginning of the invention and production of ceramic. It is mainly used in the field of building materials, due to the continuous development of technology and people more in-depth understanding of the performance of ceramsite and ceramsite application has more than the traditional building materials range, continues to expand the new field of application. Now the application of ceramic materials in building materials, has decreased from 100% to 80%, in other areas of application, has accounted for 20%. With the new quality of ceramic, new use of continuous development, it will gradually increase the proportion of other aspects.
♦ Building materials with ceramic aggregate production of porous brick made of aggregate.
♦ Green material ceramic garden, indoor greening soil.
♦ Eating and drinking water.
♦ Industrial filter material filter industrial wastewater.
Transport and handling: in the transport process, not drag hook, should prevent mixed with the solid material, strong vibration, friction, hit, hit, forbid throwing should be lightly armed light discharge, to reduce the breakage of packing, the impact of the use.
Storage: should be stored in a cool and dry place, to prevent internal and external packaging bag break, prevent moisture and adsorption of other substances in the air, affect the use effect. It is strictly prohibited to mix with poisonous and harmful gas or volatile matter, and keep away from the source of pollution.
單位地址:中國 河南 鞏義市 建設路209號
電 話:86 0371 63236299
Q Q:2447921242
Company name:Gongyi Dachang Refractories Co.Ltd.
Company address:Jianshe Road 209 building, Gongyi Henan , China
Sales manager:Yanjie Jiao
Telephone: +86 0371 63236299
Mobile phone: 15136183980
E-mail:[email protected]
Company web:https://shop1467825151016.1688.com
