★ 刀刃鋒利。能削出如紙一樣薄的肉片。
★ 高硬度,永不磨損。肯有HRA87的高硬度,耐磨性的是金屬刀的60倍。
★ 不生銹變色,健康環保。可耐各種酸堿有機物的腐蝕,在王水中熱煮幾小時也毫發無損。
★ 不沾污,清潔容易。無磁性,且有全致密材料,無孔隙。
★ 保持食品的原色、原味,盡享美食風味。材料化學性能穩定,不與食物發生任何反應。
★ 色澤圓潤、潔白,有玉的質感,平添高貴享受。
★ 陶瓷餐刀充分體現新世紀、新材料的綠色環保概念,是當你高新技術為現代人奉獻的又一傑作。
With ceramic material, the machinery parts have more advantages than other materials in chemical, wear and high temperature resistance. Therefore, it was widely used in the bad conditions that other metal and material cannot bear.
Product features
★ Chemical resistance:ceramics performs better than other materials in strong acid and alkali resistance.
★ Wear-resisting property: not easy to wear,durable.
★ Heat-resistant quality: can keep mechanical strength in high temperature,can be used in high temperature.
