★ 硬度接近天然鉆石,比金屬輕,具有永不磨損、不變色等寶石特性,
★ 有極高的防磨損、抗氧化,永不生銹、永不變色,絕不會造成皮膚過敏;
★ 高度絕緣,沒有金屬、電鍍之污染,是鐘表業界理想的環保材料;
★ 高密度彩色陶瓷表殼、表圈、表盤、表扣、表殼等產品,質感、視覺超凡脫俗!
★ 堅硬無比、美觀耐用、不損肌膚、透現獨特光澤,產品高雅華貴,亮澤璀璨、卓而不群
★ 前衛時尚的產品設計,將為用戶帶來極高的經濟效益。
With ceramic material, the machinery parts have more advantages than other materials in chemical, wear and high temperature resistance. Therefore, it was widely used in the bad conditions that other metal and material cannot bear.
Product features
★ Chemical resistance:ceramics performs better than other materials in strong acid and alkali resistance.
★ Wear-resisting property: not easy to wear,durable.
★ Heat-resistant quality: can keep mechanical strength in high temperature,can be used in high temperature.