品牌 | GE FANUC | 型號 | IC210NDR024 |
工作電壓 | 24VDC(V) | 輸出頻率 | 1KHZ(kHz) |
產品認證 | CE,C-UL,UL |
The Durus Control line is a low cost, all-in-one solution that includes:
Vending Machine Control自動售貨機控制
–Applications requiring:適用於
–Low cost低成本
–Replace several timers and counters代替計時器和計數器
Lighting Control照明控制
–Applications requiring:適用於
–Real Time Clock時鐘
–High Current Outputs高電流輸出
–Local Operator Interface本地操作員接口
Other Applications其他應用
–Automatic Door Control自動門控制
–Car Wash洗車
–Conveyor Control傳送裝置控制
–Water Level Control水液位控制
The Durus Control line is a low cost, all-in-one solution that includes:
-Logic control邏輯控制
-Built-in Inputs and Outputs內置輸入/輸出
-Built-in operator display內置操作員界面顯示
-Built-in programmer內置編程器
-Real Time Clock時鐘
-Super Cap Backup 240 hours at 25C
-Password support, two level support密碼支持,兩級口令保護
-Data Retention for 15 coils and counters
Programming capability編程能力
-200 lines Maximum (15 timers, 15 counters, 15 Real Time Clock, 15 Analog Comparator)最多200行(15計時器,15計數器,15時鐘,15模擬量比較儀)
-Normally Open, Normally Closed, Output Coil, Timers (minute 0 to 9999, seconds 0 to 99.99), Counters (1 to 999,999), Analog Compares, Real Time Clock
-Function Block Diagram (FBD) requires Durus Controls Software功能塊圖(FBD)要求Durus控制軟件
-99 Blocks (15 timers, 15 counters, 15 Real Time Clock, 15 Analog Comparator)
Built-in display and navigation keys內置顯示和瀏覽Key
–LCD back lightLCD背光
–8 navigational keys8個導航鍵
–4 line, 12 character LCD backlit display4行,12字符LCD背光顯示
–17 custom user screens17幅定制用戶顯示畫面
–Multiple language support (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Italian)
Built-in I/O內置I/O
–12VDC, 24VDC and AC Inputs
–12VDC, 24VDC, Relay (8 amps) Outputs
–Analog Inputs (0 to 10VDC)
Models Available現有型號
–With built-in display/keypad and expansion內置顯示/鍵盤和擴展
–Without display/keypad and expansion不帶顯示/鍵盤和擴展
–Without display/keypad and no expansion不帶顯示/鍵盤,無擴展
–Profibus DP Slave
–9.6K to 12 Mbps supported波特率從9.6
–DeviceNet Slave
–125K, 250K, 500Kbps
–Modbus RTU Slave (Built-in to controller or added as a expansion unit)
–4.8 to 57.6Kbps maximum, 8 stations maximum
–Ethernet (target date end of year for Modbus TCP)
Built-in I/O with display (available without display), supports up to 4 I/O expansion units
內置I/O帶顯示(不帶顯示),支持4 I/O擴展單元
–Durus 10– 6 inputs and 4 outputs (AC model)
–Durus 12– 6 inputs, 4 outputs and 2 analog inputs (DC model)
–1KHz pulse inputs (quantity of two) and one PWM output on DC output model
–Durus 20– 12 inputs and 8 outputs (AC model)
–Durus 26– 12 inputs, 8 outputs and 6 analog inputs (DC model)
–1KHz pulse inputs (quantity of two) and one PWM output on DC output model
Discrete Expansion Units離散擴展單元
–4 ACinputs and 4 relay outputs
–4 DC inputs and 4 relay outputs
–4 DC inputs and 4 DC outputs
Analog Expansion Units模擬擴展單元
–4 analog inputs (0 to 10VDC)
Global Standards全球標準
–Durus Controller family are UL, and CE compliant (Rohs and China Rohs pending)滿足UL, CE標準(Rohs,中國Rohs未定)
–Customer benefit – Customer acceptance
Rugged Design堅固設計
–The Durus Controller is built to take the enviroment with rugged design and a solid slide and snap mechanical interlock with controller to expansion modules
–Carry’s the load, the isolated relay outputs support 8 amps of current resistance (2 amp inductance) per point
