品牌 | 紅中電子 | 型號 | DJR-47 |
適用範圍:本系列加熱器為太陽能熱水器專用輔助加熱器,可用於儲水式、水槽式、承壓式等各種太陽能熱水器。 One Scope of applications: the series heaters are especially assistant to the solar water heaters. And it can be used in the following types of solar water heaters:water storage heater, water tank heater and pressure–bearing heaters etc.. |
加熱器使用安裝說明書 一、適用範圍:本系列加熱器為太陽能熱水器專用輔助加熱器,可用於儲水式、水槽式、承壓式等各種太陽能熱水器。 One Scope of applications: the series heaters are especially assistant to the solar water heaters. And it can be used in the following types of solar water heaters:water storage heater, water tank heater and pressure–bearing heaters etc.. 二、主要結構:集加熱與溫度控制功能於一體,本產品通過CE、CQC等各類認證,加熱體採用不銹鋼材料,防護部分採用工程阻燃、耐高溫老化材料。 TwoMain structure: the heater combines functions of heating and temperature control and has passed certification of CE, CQC etc.. The heating body adopts stainless steel and the protective part adoptsengineeringflame-retardantandhigh-temperature & aging resistant material. 三、主要型號:產品分為插入式、承壓式與法蘭式等幾種,型號有22口徑、47口徑、58口徑、法蘭式、4分螺紋、6分螺紋等。 ThreeMain types Our products are divided into several categories: plug-in type, pressure-resistant type and flange type. And there are 22 caliber, 47 caliber, 58 caliber, flange type, 4-inch screw thread and 6-inch screw thread. 四、溫度控制:當水溫達到85℃左右時,自動切斷電源,加熱管停止工作,當水溫降到45℃左右時,重新接通電源,加熱管開始工作。 Four Temperature control: the power supply will be automatically cut off and the heating pipe stop working when the temperature of water reach 85℃. When the temperature of the water dropped to 45℃, power supply will be switched on and the heating pipe will start to work. 五、安裝、使用要求及注意事項: 1、請按照要求的規格與技術參數選擇加熱器,盡可能選用常規產品,如有特殊要求時請提供圖紙及相關技術要求。 1. Choose heater according to the required specifications and technical parameters. Choose the routine product as possible as you can. Please provide drawings and specific technical requirements if there are special requests. 2、本加熱器為太陽能熱水器使用,加熱介質為水,嚴禁用於加熱其他液體或空氣等, 2. The heater is used in solar water heater with water as the heating medium. Other liquids or air are strictly prohibited. 3、安裝要求:安裝時應請專業電工操作(須持有電工上崗證),“L”或紅色電線為火線,“N”或蘭色電線為零線,“〒”或黃綠色雙色電線為接地端,產品安裝時使用三芯多股軟線(電線截面要符合相應的國際標準),必須接可靠的接地線,地線與零線應嚴格分開,嚴禁在無接地的情況下使用,同時必須使用漏電保護插頭。 3. Installation requirements: please ask electrician (certificate forelectricianis required ) to install the heater.“L”or red wire is live line, “N” or blue wire is null line and “〒” or yellowgreen wire is the earth line. Three-way &multi-strand cord will be used in installation (the cross section of the wire must conform to the international standard) and there must be reliable earth line. The earth line and null line should be strictly separated and the situation without earth line is strictly prohibited.Leakage Protective Plugs must be used at the same time. 4、本產品為水加熱設計,專用於太陽能熱水器,為了讓加熱器有更長的使用壽命,嚴禁無水干燒,頻繁干燒會影響加熱器的使用壽命,因干燒而引起的產品故障及相關事故公司不承擔承認。 4. The product is designed for water heating and is especially prepared for solar water heater. Dry boil is strictly prohibited to make the heater have a longer useful life. Frequent dry boil will shorten the useful life of the heater. The company is not responsible for any product failure or accident due to dry boil. 5、沐浴前請務必切斷電源。 5. Make sure to cut off the electricity before having a bath. 6、本產品保修一年,對未按使用說明書上的要求使用而引起的一切後果,公司不予負責。 6. The warranty period of our product is one year. The company is not responsible for all consequences resulting from disobeying the instruction manual. |
常州市紅中電子有限公司 地址:江蘇省常州市鐘樓經濟開發區 聯繫電話:0519-6789 0007 移動手機:139 6117 0001 OICQ:9982181 電子郵箱:[email protected] 網址:http://www.hzdz.cc China Changzhou Hongzhong Electronics CO.,LTD. Office:0086-0519-67890007 Mobile:0086-139-61170001 E-mail:[email protected] Website:http://www.hzdz.cc |
