深圳日月輝皮具制品有限公司 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 深圳日月輝皮具制品有限公司 日月輝皮具成立於2005年,座落於深圳市龍崗區佈吉坂田光雅村。是一傢專業設計、生產各 式手袋皮具的專業生產廠。產品做工精細,選料上乘,價格合理。本廠擁有優秀的設計生產銷售 隊伍,他們能把專業知識與市場緊密結合,不斷開發出既有特色又受市場歡迎的新產品,使我們 的產品一直走在同行的前列,具有較強的競爭力。生產部門實行科學化管理執行國傢標準,各環 節緊緊配合,產品每針每線都必經他們的嚴格質檢,產品質量一直得到客戶肯定 證件套、皮具套裝、資料夾、會議夾、筆記本、公文包、筆套、經理夾、卡片包、酒店用品、 收銀夾、相框、畫框、禮品皮具等 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
聯系方式 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
批發說明 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1、付款方式:預付30%款,餘款發貨後付清.(異地需款到發貨); 2、以上價格為不含稅、不含特殊包裝價格; 3、以上價格為工廠交貨價格,不含運費,報價有效期在1個月內; 4、以上價格為我司中性產品價格,不含特殊絲印LOGO及特殊包裝; 5、交貨日期:普通起訂收到訂金後7天內交貨(具體交期下單後以商議為準); 6、以上報價為訂單的報價,起訂量為每款每色500個/色,如需樣品需加收樣品費用,下單後本公司將退回該款產品 的所有樣板費(訂單數量達到500個,本公司將退回雙倍樣板費,數量超過2000,將退回3倍樣板費); 7、如需對本公司發佈產品作改動或改設計,需要加收開模費。加印LOGO需另加收LOGO開模費以及加工費;
1, Payment: 30% advance models, the balance paid after delivery. (Off-site required payment and delivery); 2, the above price excluding tax, excluding special package price; 3, the above price ex factory prices, free shipping, offer valid for 1 month; 4, above the neutral price Our prices, excluding special screen printing LOGO and special packaging; 5, the delivery date: from the set of ordinary deposit is received within 7 days after delivery (after the concrete delivery orders subject to negotiation); 6, the above quote for the order of quotation, from the amount set 500 each per color / color, additional samples are subject to sampling costs, the next single after which the company will return all products model fee (up to 500 ordersmonths, the company will refund twice the cost model, more than 2000, will be returned three times the model fee); 7, For release of the company's product design for alterations or changes required are subject to mold fee.LOGO LOGO printed subject to subject to mold fee and processing fee;
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運費說明 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
物 流:順豐速運、申通快遞、圓通快遞、尊龍快運、天天快運、及全國公鐵聯運。 目的地:全國主要城市或中轉、主要港口(寧波、上海、廈門、福州、廣州等)。 |