江蘇省泰興通靈提琴廠位於中國提琴之鄉——溪橋,本廠創辦於2005年,是專業生產小提琴、中提琴、大提琴的中型企業,企業擁有員工50多人,其中 20多人具有10年以上提琴制作經驗。憑借經驗豐富的老員工,通靈提琴廠能根據客戶的不同需求制作出優秀的產品,滿足客戶對花紋、木料的需求。
通靈提琴廠以一流的生產設備,精湛的技術,齊全的品種,良好的品牌信譽,可靠的質量保障體系和完善的售後服務,贏得瞭廣大音樂愛好者和同行的支持與厚愛。本廠制作的提琴產品廣泛銷售於全國各地, 同時已銷售至港澳臺等地區。
通靈提琴廠的未來是美好的,我們從起步時擁有幾位老師傅的作坊,憑借優秀的產品, 一步步拓開瞭提琴市場,一躍成為在提琴舞臺上擁有一席之地,經營業績逐年遞增的提琴廠。21世紀是人才競爭的時代,通靈提琴廠將繼續發揮老員工的優勢,培養年輕員工的手工技能,時刻準備著,在進一步擴大現售市場份額的同時進軍歐洲市場。
TongLing Violin Factory is located in Xiqiao, a Violin Town in Taixing, Jiangsu Province of China. It’s a medium-sized factory founded in 2005 and it is specialized in producing violin, viola and cello. TongLing Violin Factory has more than 50 employees, 20 of which have more than 10 years’ experience in violin making. With all these staff, TongLing Violin Factory can produce products with excellent patterns and materials to meet different demands of our customers.
With first-class production equipments, exquisite technology, a full range of varieties, good brand reputation, reliable quality assurance system and perfect after-sales service, TongLing Violin Factory has won the support and love from overwhelming majority of music lovers and peers. Our products are widely sold all over China. At the same time our violin have been sold to Hong Kong, Macao,Taiwan and other regions.
TongLing Violin Factory has a bright future in its development. We ever had only a few experienced staff. With the excellent products, we have opened up the violin market step by step and own a violin factory which has a place on the violin stage and whose business performance increasing year by year.
