griffin Stylus iPad 2/iPhone 4/4S/3GS/5S/5
頻繁地在屏幕上摸來摸去,難免會留下指紋和污跡。然而,沒有人會希望自己的iPad顯得臟兮兮的,此時,除瞭經常擦拭屏幕之外,你還可以試試Griffin公司出品的觸摸筆——Stylus for iPad。這款看上去很酷、很有品位的觸摸筆采用軟橡膠材質的筆頭來模仿人的手指,但完全不會劃傷或者弄臟iPad的屏幕,而且其靈敏度和精準度比你的手指更高,無論是點擊還是滑動,無論是繪畫素描還是控制遊戲,都會帶給你揮灑自如的操控感。
筆體的粗細程度也十分合適,拿握非常稱手,右手或者左手使用均不成問題。當然,你也可以將Stylus用於你的iPhone、iPod Touch或者其它所有的觸摸屏設備。
Technical Details
- High-sensitivity, omni-directional point won't scratch or smudge your touchscreen
- Great for right- and left-handed writers
- Use with any app for greater comfort and control
Product Description
More control as you write, sketch, tap and drag on your iPad, iPhone or any touch screen. Griffin's Stylus is a balanced pointer with a soft rubber tip custom designed to mimic your finger.
The omni-directional tip adapts to any writing style and doesn't care whether you're left-handed or right-handed. Keeps your touch screen free of fingerprints and smudges as it gives increases control over any touch screen operation.
Perfect for flight simulator apps, sketching, drawing and photography apps and any use where you need a finer degree of control than your finger can offer. Stylus includes an integrated clip that attaches to a pocket in your bag or a pencil loop in your iPad case/
The omni-directional tip adapts to any writing style and doesn't care whether you're left-handed or right-handed. Keeps your touch screen free of fingerprints and smudges as it gives increases control over any touch screen operation.
Perfect for flight simulator apps, sketching, drawing and photography apps and any use where you need a finer degree of control than your finger can offer. Stylus includes an integrated clip that attaches to a pocket in your bag or a pencil loop in your iPad case/
