開機畫面, 從上面可以獲知的信息
1. 無線局域網的名字:EZCAST-6A0C,密碼:253014,本機IP地址:
2. Windows/Mac OS的下載地址:http://www.iezvu.com/download
3. iPhone或iPad的下載地址,可以通過拍二維碼識別進入下載地址,或者打開app store,搜索EZCast下載安裝。
4. Android用戶下載地址,可以通過拍二維碼識別進入下載地址,或者打開google play,搜索EZCast下載安裝。
Information Showing on Boot Screen,:
1. SSID: EZCAST-6A0C, Password:253014, IP:
2. Windows/Mac OS Download address: http://www.iezvu.com/download3. I Phone or I Pad Download address, you can scan the two-dimension code to log in the download address, or open App store, search EZCast to down load and install.
4. Android customer Down load address, you can you can scan the two-dimension code to log in the download address, or open Google paly, search EZCast to down load and install.
打開Android手機或平板裡EZCast的應用程式 EZCast 應用程式會先判斷Android設備有沒連接到EZCast的局域網。
Open the APK of EZCast in Android Mobile Phone or MID, EZcast willjudge whether Android device connected to the LAN of EZCast first.
Android 設備 WiFi 連接,每種設備連接界面都差不多,主要是就選擇EZCast的無線熱點進行連接,密碼是EZCast開機時的信息提供(EZCast 設備本身密碼)。
The method for WIFI connect of every device almost the same, chose the Hot Point of EZCast to connect, pass word is showing the TV screen.
Android設備連接好無線局域網後,返回到EZCast App,有六大使用功能
After Android device connected to EZCast LAN, return to EZCast App,there are 6 functions showing on the screen.
通過這個功能,把Android設備上的圖片無線分享到TV端, 點擊圖片,EZCast會把Android設備上的圖片都搜索出來,以文件夾的方式顯示
Through this function, Sharing the photo in Android device to TV,click photo, EZCast will search out all the photo in Android device, showing as a file.
還可以點擊下面中部的畫筆,對圖片進行簡單的補充, 然後再點擊右下角進行保存。
You can click the Pen , mark on the photo, then click to save.
這個功能把Android設備上的文檔無線分享到TV端. 主要支持的PDF,DOC,PPT,EXCEl 點擊文檔,EZCast也會把文檔也文件夾的方式顯示出來,從標題欄可以知道文件的具體位置,同樣也可以進行畫筆補充與保存。
Share the file in Android device to TV. Support PDF, DOC, PPT, EXCEL.Click File, EZCast will search all the file in Android device, you can alsouse the pen to mark and save .
主要是通過瀏覽器進行Internet瀏覽,可以搜索,如百度, 看新聞,如新浪,看視頻,如優酷。例如選擇優酷視頻,進入網站後,選擇自己所需要播放的視頻,EZCast APP會自動獲取視頻,進行發送播放.
Through internet, you can surf on line, to google, Baidu, news andwatch video on line, such as Youtube, Youku.
可以把手機攝像頭上的內容同步到TV端, 並進行拍攝。主要是對成像焦距調節,隻有高低兩級,前後攝像頭切換, 拍照功能。
Share the camera on the mobile phone to TV, and take a picture. adjust the focal distance; Camera switch; Takea picture.
Share the music and video in Android device to TV.
這個主要是打開EZCast的DMR(Digital Media Reader)功能 打開DMR功能後,可以通過DMC軟件控制DMS上的文件在DMR上播放 通俗點說就是可以通過Android來播放傢庭電腦或者因特網的視頻, 並在TV端顯示。 點擊“ON”後,會自動彈出Android設備上支持DLNA的APP. 點擊相對應的APP,如果沒安裝,請安裝,如果已經安裝,請直接打開。
Click , Open the DMR(Digital Media Reader) Function, after it open, you cancontrol the file of DMS played on DMR through DMC software, that means: you can share the local or internet video on your Android device and showing the TV.
Miracast 功能跟DLNA類似
這個主要是打開Android 的Miracast,把Android設備的屏幕同步顯示在TV端 這時,在手機端打開圖片,音樂,視頻,玩遊戲等,都可以在TV大屏幕同步顯示。 目前支持Miracast的手機,請點擊“幫助”的Miracast手機列表, 打開Miracast功能後, 如果60秒內無手機連接,則會自動關閉,要連接需重新點擊“ON”。
Open Miracast of Android Device, mirror the screen from Android device TV. Even the photo, music, video and games can be showing on the TV at the same time.Miracast mobile phone support list showed in the “help” of miracast.
Click “ON”, there will have 60 seconds for you to connect the miracast device toTV, if no device connected, it will close; if you want to re-star, click “on” again.
點擊“ON”後,EZCast APP會引導先進入Android設備的WiFi Setting,選擇一個可以連接外網的無線熱點,同時TV端會投影一個圖片說明,可以按說明進入Miracast連接.
Setting (設置)其實就是一個無線遙控器, 左右上下,中間確定,右上角退回上一層.Key是打開手機鍵盤,用來輸入密碼。
It can be trade as a remote controller, left right up down, OK confirm,“back” to last layer. “Key” open the soft key of mobile phone or MID, to input the password.
用手機遙控機可以調節 WiFi EZCast 的輸出分辨率,支持 1920x108024P,1280x720 60P
Use the mobile phone to remote control the Resolution, support1920*1080 24P, 1280*720 60P.
這個是設置WiFi EZCast無線路由的登入密碼。
Set the entrance pass word of WIFI EZ Cast.
連接EZCast Dongle 到外網
Connect Ezcast Dongle to internet.
這個是設置顯示的語言, 支持多國語言。
Set Language, support several languages.
Support OTA upgrade on line.
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