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    t8 1.2M 18W led日光燈 室內照明燈管 led燈管 led燈 燈管 燈具
    商品代碼: 711223
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。









    ¤環境要求/Environmental requirements



    工作溫度(Working temperature)-2050      儲存溫度(Storage temperature )-3065

    工作濕度(Working humidity)30%85%  儲存濕度(Storage humidity )10%90%.




    ¤拆封檢查/Unpacking and Checking


    打開包裝,仔細檢查產品,請輕取輕放。/Open the package and check the products, please handle it gently.

    如發現產品有任何損壞,請保留好包裝並及時與我司聯系。/If the product is found damaged, please contact us instantly with the complete package.

    請不要嘗試使用已損壞的產品。/Please do not try to use the damaged products.





    ● 我司的LED日光燈隻能與我司提供的對應LED電源配套使用,請不要試圖使用其它公司提供的LED電源。/Our LED panel light can only fixed with corresponding LED power our company provided, please don't try to use other companies’ LED power .


    ● 為瞭確保產品正常工作,請使用電壓在標稱范圍內的電源。/In order to ensure the product work properly, please use the power supply within indicating voltage range.


    ● 請按照正確的安裝圖安裝本產品。/Please follow the correct installation steps to install the product.


    ● 安裝、拆卸產品時請把電源斷開,避免觸電風險。/Please turn off the power supply for the lamp holder to avoid the risk of electric shock while installing or uninstalling the product.


    ● 為瞭確保效果,請勿在高濕度或充滿粉塵環境下使用本產品,包括但不限於以下環境:浴室,桑拿房,打磨車間。/Do not use the products in the high humidity or dust environment for ensuring performance, including but not limited to the following environment: bathroom, sauna room, polishing workshop.


    ● 請勿長時間直視LED光源,高強度光源可能造成眼部傷害。/Do not look directly at LED light source for a long time, because the high-intensity light source may cause harm to eyes.


    ● 發現如下問題時,請向合資格的電工技師尋求維修服務,請勿隨意拆解:/Please contact a qualified electrician for repair services when you find the following problems , and do not disassemble the tube light:


    1、電子元件遭受到雨水或者其他液體潑濺時。/Electronic components are exposed to rain or other liquids splash.

    2、 產品產生異臭氣體、發出異常聲響或者不尋常閃爍時。/Products release smell gas, abnormal sound and unusual flash.

    3、外殼破損,異物入侵內部時。/The shell is broken .Debris goes into the bracket or the tube.




    如果並非操作使用不當,請確認是否因下列原因造成。如果采取指示的方法後,仍然無法解決問題,請停止使用並聯系合格的電工技師。/If it is not caused by improper operation, please confirm whether it is because of the following reasons or not. If the problem cannot be solved after taking direction method ,please stop using and contact a qualified electrician.


    ●現象:接通電源後燈不發光/The lamp does not light after connecting the power supply.


    Δ理處方法: 認真檢查所有接線是否正確。/Carefully check all wiring is correct.



    ●現象: 接通電源後燈閃爍/The lamp flashes when it is powered on.              


    Δ理處方法:請合資格電工技師檢查電源電壓是否低於要求。/Please call a qualified electrician to check whether the power supply voltage is lower than the required.

    t8 1.2M 18W  led日光燈 室內照明燈管 led燈管 led燈 燈管  燈具_照明_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i