Pure Extract of Real Roses
品牌:MARHABA 產地:巴基斯坦
成分:玫瑰精油,玫瑰水 重量:120毫升
保質期:2014年6月 類型:噴霧
A beautiful scented moisturizer, perfect after a bath to leave
a light rose scent on your skin.
Contains rose oil& high quality rose water
from natural rose petals.
1, For neat cleaning of face simply wash with rose water.
2, Add rose water to face cream for extra radiance.
3, To make your skin fresh,mix rose water with glycerine
and use it as an effective natural moisturizer.
4, Rose water can be used as a wash to reduce skin blemishes
and oily skin.It has been in use since centuries to enhance beauty.
【 功 效】:
【 使用方法 】:
1, 每天早晚爽膚後,將玫瑰純露直接噴於面部,可快速補充肌膚水分及養分。
2, 敷臉:把面膜紙用純露浸泡,讓紙膜吸足水分,敷在臉上至七成幹後取下扔掉,這樣效果最好,最明顯;不要等紙膜完全幹瞭才取下來,這樣水份及營養會被倒吸到紙膜上哦!一定要保證皮膚水嫩,然後用膏霜乳液鎖住水分
3, 調兌面膜粉:用來調兌珍珠粉或面膜粉,調成糊狀後直接敷在臉上,15—20分鐘後洗掉即可
4, 護膚:如作為化妝水,搭配基底油和精油制作乳霜或乳液等
5, 替代爽膚水:將本品或幾種純露混合後做面部噴霧,皮膚可快速吸收,然後感覺幹燥,再噴霧,皮膚幹燥的間隔也增大,反復10次,皮膚含水量就可以短時間提高很多,以後每3小時做一次噴霧,皮膚就能保持每天水靈靈、鮮活的狀態,對各種膚質均有特效!
6, 沐浴時,可在浴盆中滴入30-50ml玫瑰純露,進行芳香泡澡,可軟化身體老化角質,補充身體肌膚水分和養分,使肌膚嫩白柔滑。
7, 將玫瑰純露,直接噴於頭發上,可保持頭發潤澤柔順,飄逸清香。
8, 玫瑰純露因其氣味芳香,因而可作為純天然空氣清新劑,直接噴於室內空氣中(尤其是空調房),或滴入氧吧中進行熏蒸,可保持室內空氣清新,提神醒腦。
9, 將玫瑰純露噴灑於枕頭邊、棉被上,可有效清除異味,保持衣服、雜物氣味清香
外用 : 替代爽膚水、柔膚水.
可加入植物性面膜中使用, 使皮膚更加嬌美.
可加入沐浴水中, 可令整個身體芬香, 滋潤.
新品預告 飲用級玫瑰水五月底即將到貨
Rosa Damascena
250 ml.
100% natural rose extract
Usage: reduce dark spot , freckles , soften and moisturize dry skin, gives body rose smell after shower.
Rose water does not get the recognition it deserves!
With all of its uses and benefits, it should be in every household, but it seems to be a well-kept secret.
Rose water is a by-product made when producing rose oil, carrying with it a beautiful scent and natural healing properties.
It is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A and it has antioxidants that help to get rid of tired skin and give you a glowing complexion.
Rose is a natural astringent with anti-inflammatory qualities, as well as being excellent for hydrating and rejuvenating the skin.
Be creative with it and you have at your fingertips a myriad of uses and natural remedies.
For Your Face:
1. Use it as a natural facial toner because rose water helps to absorb excess oil from the skin without leaving a drying effect.
Make your own by combining 1 1/4 cups of rose water, eight drops of glycerin and 3/4 cup of witch hazel in a dark glass bottle
(this is important because you do not want light to affect the mixture).
Shake the bottle well before use, and apply daily with cotton balls or swabs. Rose water toner is perfect to combat acne.
2. Apply rose water to your face to tighten pores and prevent wrinkles.
Acting as an astringent with anti-inflammatory agents, the rose water will help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
3. It can be used as a gentle facial cleanser. Make your own by mixing one cup of rose water,
2 teaspoons of glycerin and 10 drops of rose essential oil.
The essential oil will add to the cleansing properties of this rose water cleanser as well as help preserve it.
4. Men can use rose water as an aftershave to soothe irritated skin from shaving.
5. Rose water makes a GREAT makeup setting spray! Add it to a spray bottle and spritz lightly over your face.
It will set your makeup and gave you a dewy finish for hours.
6. Use it to remove your makeup. Dab with a cotton swab and gently rub in a circular motion on the face until makeup is removed.
7. Dab on temples and eye area to ward off or soothe headaches.
8. Rose water helps to balance the pH of the skin, helping to control both dry and oily skin and can soothe many types of dermatitis.
For Your Skin:
1. For a light, refreshing perfume, add five drops of jasmine oil to a quarter cup of rose water.
Store your perfume in a dark glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid to keep away from light.
2. Soothe a sunburn with rose water. Cool rose water spritzed on skin feels great,
reduces puffiness and gently disinfects the skin, preventing infection and irritation.
3. Add rose water to a hot bath to help relax as well as trap moisture in the skin, making skin smoother and firmer.
For Your Hair:
1. Pour rose water over your head while showering/bathing as it can reduce inflammation of the scalp,
increasing the blood supply to the scalp and promotes hair growth.
2. Rose water benefits the hair by acting as an excellent moisturizer.
Mix some rose water in your shampoo and you’ll be left with conditioned and moisturized hair that smells great and is extremely soft to touch.
For Your Health:
1. Add rose water to bath water to relieve fatigue, produce a relaxing effect, improve your mood and lessen stress and depression.
2. Rinse with rose water to soothe a sore throat.
3. Soak a cotton ball soaked to treat inflamed glands.
4. A cotton swab soaked in rose water can be used for treating and relieving inflamed gums.
Warm rose water can also be taken in your mouth for treating gums.
Regular use of rose water helps in relieving and curing paining gums,
strengthening of loose teeth and removes bad odor from the mouth.
For Your Home:
1. Use rose water spritzer as an air-freshener.
2. Spray rose water on counter tops to disinfectant bathrooms, on couches, carpets, etc..
3. When cooking, rose water can be used in many dessert and baking recipes in place of vanilla extract.
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