
  • 多款高品質冰袋(圖)
    商品代碼: 58154
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    溫州市偉泰箱包有限公司創辦於2007年,坐落於中國包裝城—溫州市蒼南縣百丈工業區,火車站與蒼南高速口旁邊300米處,廠房面積5000多平方米,現有員工300多人,月產量達150.0000件,經過三年不斷的發展,2008年我公司已經榮獲“中國購物袋行業十強企業”和“中國信用企業示範單位”稱號,同時公司生產的購物袋被國家產品質量監督檢驗中心授予“中國市場公認優質放心產品”稱號,公司產品已經通過ISO 9001,2000國際質量管理體系認證,本公司是一條龍生產型廠家,專業生產和出口無紡布袋,編織購物袋,超市購物袋,棉布和帆布手提袋,冰袋,沙灘袋,牛津布袋和滌綸布袋,各種包裝手提袋等。本公司一直以“質量第一,客戶第一,誠信為本,服務始終”為公司的宗旨,歡迎新老客戶光臨洽談。
    Wenzhou Weitai Bags Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturing shopping bags’ factory, it is founded in 2007 and located in China Packaging City-- Cangnan,Wenzhou,Zhejiang province,and far from Railway station and High speed only 300 meters. Our company covers 5000 sq. meters, employing over 300 workers, monthly capacity is over 1.500.000 bags. Through three years development, we have been granted the title of “Top 10 Largest Manufacturers in the Line of Shopping Bags in China” and “China Credit Example Certificate”, meanwhile our bags have been granted “Accepted High Quality Products of China Market” by National Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. Our products have already come up to the standards of ISO 9001/2000.

    Our company is specialized in manufacturing&exporting all kinds of shopping bags, including non woven bags,pp woven bags, supermarket shopping bags, cotton&canvas tote bags ,cooler bags,polyester bags and etc..

    Our company tenet is "Quality First, Customer First, Integrity-Based Service-First" We are sincere and determined to cooperate with all our clients and hope to establish mutual-benefited and friendly business relationship with more friends!

    產品問題(The product) :所有商品我們在發貨前都有專門部門進行嚴格質檢,確保無任何質量問題,才給與發貨。 We have special departments to ensure that no strict quality control any quality problem before delivery.
    產品圖片(the pictures)圖片均100%實物拍攝,但由於光線及顯示器的原因,您所看到圖片可能會有輕微的色差問題,這是不可避免的,請諒解!如無法接受的買家請慎重購買。due to taken in light and the monitor, pictures may have a slight chromatism problem, this is inevitable, please forgive! If cannot accept buyers please buy cautiously.
    規格,庫存( specifications and stock)仔細查看商品尺寸表及產品說明,拍前請咨詢客服所需規格!另外因庫存隨時會變動,請購買前與我們聯繫並確認您需要的尺寸是否有貨。Carefully check goods size table and product specifications .please check detail with Customer service before buying.
    售後服務(After-sales service):收貨或者取貨時,請先驗貨後簽單,物品若有損壞,或者是少貨現象,請不要簽收, 先與客服聯繫說明情況並讓物流公司人員或者快遞人員證明後在做處理,否者簽收後出現任何問題賣家概不負責.
    Receiving or take the goods, please sign the bill, after inspection items, or if there is less damage phenomenon of goods, please don't contact with customer first sign, explained the situation and logistics company personnel or personnel in proof of delivery, no after receipt of any problems after the seller shall not be held responsible for.
    公 司 名溫州市偉泰箱包有限公司
    聯 系 人莊千渺 先生 (總經理)
    地 址中國 浙江 蒼南縣 靈溪鎮百丈工業區(滬山路)
    傳 真086 0577 64760001
    固定電話086 0577 68682678/400-688-7588

    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i