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官方網站:品汐.中國 企業電話:0752-7988887
Longmen county sunseeker wood products co., LTD. Is a bamboo and wood products, creative gifts, household goods and other products professional production and processing company, with complete and scientific quality management system. Longmen county product sunseeker bamboo and wood products co., LTD. Of integrity, strength and product quality gain recognition in the industry, production, sales and service as one of the modern bamboo and wood products processing enterprises. Products: sunseeker enterprise known for their novel design, do manual work is delicate, best-selling Europe, the Middle East, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and so on all over the world, has a high-quality staff, advanced production processing equipment, rich production experience and thoughtful after-sales service; The use of advanced production management mode, production and processing of product variety, professional norms, durable ?