本產品適用於包裝 茶葉 人參 花茶 海參 燕窩 蟲草 鐵皮石斛 靈芝 花膠 雪蛤 藏紅花 瑪卡 等高檔參茸海味包裝。全部廠價直銷30多款軟木塞高硼矽玻璃密封罐,產品品種齊全,存貨充足全部現貨供應,一箱起訂,廣州客戶可以直接到工廠提貨。 訂貨熱線020-39128837.可以根據客戶雖求訂製其它規格產品或打LOGO。
廣州市億珍萊玻璃製品有限公司成立於2010年是一傢集自主研發、生產、銷售於一體的專業生產耐熱玻璃製品的企業,並經銷批發酒店用品餐具 (玻璃茶具、密封罐、紅酒杯、玻璃杯、醒酒器、煙罐等)公司自有品牌“TQVAI 華派”牌子的密封罐更是銷往全國各地。本公司具有行業領先的技術及設備,月產量高硼矽產品1000000套/隻,並擁有雄厚的技術資本和嚴密的經營管理。自成立以來,培養瞭一批思維活躍、意識超前、動手能力強的專業設計人員,擁有一支技術精湛、工作嚴謹的專業化技術隊伍,與國內外眾多品牌建立瞭信賴的貿易關系。 本公司主要生產加工銷售 高硼罐玻璃瓶 密封罐 玻璃奶瓶 茶葉罐 木塞罐 耐熱玻璃茶具、耐熱玻璃杯、耐熱玻璃雙層杯、玻璃儲物罐、公道杯、玻璃三件杯、紅茶杯、玻璃花瓶、工藝酒瓶、蠟燭臺、聖誕禮品等玻璃工藝品,玻璃燈罩 泡殼 燈飾用品 等玻璃工藝品。產品全部采用進口耐高溫100~120℃沖擊的3.3高硼矽耐熱玻璃為原料,由數年經驗的技師,在火焰炙熱的環境下,以嫻練高超的吹製工藝,純手工逐一精製而成。並以其優良的品質迅速在國內外打開玻璃器皿市場,客戶返單率高,積累瞭大量的“精益生產”與“產品研發”經驗,受到行業與客戶的一致好評。 我公司奉行“誠信經營,品質第一,精心設計,不斷創新”的經營理念,服務於傢居行業、照明行業、酒店行業、百貨行業。我們熱烈歡迎各屆朋友來電,來函聯系洽談。我們真誠期待與您合作,互惠共贏!
Guangzhou Yizhenlai Glass Product Co.Ltdis a independent development, production and sales of professional production in heat-resistant glass products manufacturer, We owned "TQVAI Huapai"and " YiZhenLai" the two brands, One of the sealed cans series of TQVAI Huapai brand was been sold all over the countryand overseas. Our company has Leading technology and equipment, the output of borosilicate Canister is million a month ,at the same time, we and we has a strong technical capital and strict management, and independent design team. Since its inception, training a group of active thinking, awareness ahead, strong hands of professional designers, has a skilled, rigorous work of specialized technical team, with many domestic and foreign brands have established trade relations of trust.
Our company mainly produces processing and sales: borosilicate Canister, sealed cans, glass bottles, screw cap bottles, a food reservoir of middle and top grade, heat-resistant glass tea glass, double heat-resistant glass, shade cover meals, JDD blister contour borosilicate glass, glass lamp cover, bulb, lighting supplies and other glass products. All products imported instantaneous temperature -20 ~ 120℃temperature difference of 3.3 borosilicate heat-resistant glass as a raw material, from a few years of experience technicians, under fire hot environment to Xian superb practice blown craft, handmade one by one refined. And its excellent quality glassware quickly open market at home and abroad, the customer back to a single rate, accumulated a lot of "lean production" and "product development" experience, praise the industry with customers.
We pursue the policy of " Uphold the integrity of management, quality first, well-designed, constantly innovating" , service in the home industry, light industry, the hotel industry, the department store industry. We warmly welcome friends from all social circlescall us and letter contact negotiations. We sincerely expect to cooperate with you, and mutual win-win.
Guangzhou Yizhenlai Glass Product Co.Ltdis a independent development, production and sales of professional production in heat-resistant glass products manufacturer, We owned "TQVAI Huapai"and " YiZhenLai" the two brands, One of the sealed cans series of TQVAI Huapai brand was been sold all over the countryand overseas. Our company has Leading technology and equipment, the output of borosilicate Canister is million a month ,at the same time, we and we has a strong technical capital and strict management, and independent design team. Since its inception, training a group of active thinking, awareness ahead, strong hands of professional designers, has a skilled, rigorous work of specialized technical team, with many domestic and foreign brands have established trade relations of trust.
Our company mainly produces processing and sales: borosilicate Canister, sealed cans, glass bottles, screw cap bottles, a food reservoir of middle and top grade, heat-resistant glass tea glass, double heat-resistant glass, shade cover meals, JDD blister contour borosilicate glass, glass lamp cover, bulb, lighting supplies and other glass products. All products imported instantaneous temperature -20 ~ 120℃temperature difference of 3.3 borosilicate heat-resistant glass as a raw material, from a few years of experience technicians, under fire hot environment to Xian superb practice blown craft, handmade one by one refined. And its excellent quality glassware quickly open market at home and abroad, the customer back to a single rate, accumulated a lot of "lean production" and "product development" experience, praise the industry with customers.
We pursue the policy of " Uphold the integrity of management, quality first, well-designed, constantly innovating" , service in the home industry, light industry, the hotel industry, the department store industry. We warmly welcome friends from all social circlescall us and letter contact negotiations. We sincerely expect to cooperate with you, and mutual win-win.
