★浙江金鑫廚具有限公司,坐落於美麗的浙江玉環縣大麥嶼連嶼港口, 公司主要以壓力鍋及所有壓力鍋配件,其中壓蓋式高級防爆壓力鍋為本公司的主打產品,目前公司又推出瞭新產品———豪華鋁壺。以及75L大容積壓力鍋領航者。公司在浙江溫州,寧波,臺州,永康,金華等地擁有大型研發中心,銷售,供應鏈管理和完善的人力資源。產品遠銷全球120多個國傢和地區。
☆ jinxin kitchenware co., LTD., zhejiang yuhuan county is located in the beautiful zhejiang lantau port, the company mainly to pressure cooker and pressure cooker accessories, including senior gland type explosion-proof pressure cooker for the main product of our company, at present, the company has introduced new products --, luxury aluminum pot. And 75 l big volume pressure cooker. Company in wenzhou, zhejiang, ningbo, taizhou, yongkang, jinhua and other places with large r&d center, marketing, supply chain management and improvement of human resources. Products are exported to more than 120 countries and regions in the world.
☆Taken the company gathered more than 30 cutting-edge high-tech talent by formation of product research and development center, agencies to take the lead in the introduction of the cutting edge of development technology and ideas, grasp the pulse of the development, to refresh the industry standard, the demand of human life field of new space. With advanced facilities, first-class personnel and a number of leading industry achieved great results. Won many national innovation award.
品名 | 金鑫 --- 單柄壓力鍋 高壓鍋 | 型號 | JX-01 |
材質 | 醫用優質鋁合金 | 容積 | 2.5L-70L |
品質 | 一級正品 | 產地 | 浙江臺州 |
煮飯做菜是一件非常繁瑣又享受的事情.現在向大傢介紹一下壓力鍋的日常使用方法和一些小技巧.在此之前有的朋友會來傢裡做客吃飯.會稱贊我們傢壓出來的湯連骨頭都可以吃.(說到這些小編心裡竊喜(*^__^*)…) 但重要的是能把一些經驗心得和親們一起分享.讓大傢都能成為小食神.O(∩_∩)O~
使用之前,在壓力鍋皮圈上塗一點點食用油.這樣做目的是為瞭有效的防止壓力鍋邊緣漏氣.用一碗半的米.3/5的水(需特別註意:鍋內放的食材盡量不要超過4/5,如果食物過多,鍋內沸騰翻滾時容易堵塞排氣孔和安全閥口) OK二話不說.蓋好,大火燒.大概3-4分鐘後,限壓閥開始轉動往外排氣水.這時候不用慌.使用過壓力鍋的朋友都知道可以用條抹佈在限壓閥周邊圍成一個圈.這樣可以防止氣水從壓力鍋邊緣流下把灶臺弄臟.有的朋友反映說.老板.從限壓閥那裡出瞭很多氣水.是怎麼回事?這裡我和大傢解釋一下.鍋內達到一定壓力的時候就會從限壓閥排氣這是壓力鍋的正常工作情況.試問一下.如果不從限壓閥排出氣水.那應該從哪裡排? 繼續燒大概2-3分鐘左右,改小火熬幾分鐘.關火,把壓力鍋放在冷水下沖一會兒讓其冷卻掉.打開蓋看看米還不夠爛.(開蓋時小心燙傷)再看看鍋內水有沒有少去很多,沒有少的話重新蓋上,大火接著燒.重復前麵的過程.這次耐心一點. 玩下手機.順便註意一下壓力鍋的動態.大約幾分鐘後停火.等冷卻或者放冷水下沖一會兒.再打開看米已經煮得很爛瞭. 通常理解壓力鍋是速度快.其實壓力鍋最大的好處不隻是快.而是能保住食物營養的同時,還可以把食物煮到透爛.口感倍爽.
1 使用過程中切記防止高溫燙傷.切記不可長時間無人看管.切記不可長時間大火乾燒.乾燒不要說把鍋燒變形瞭.把鍋融化掉都有可能.
2 煮流食質食物(如粥類,粘性液體),不能馬上旋轉排氣閥放氣,必須自然冷卻至限壓閥落下後才能開蓋.或放自來水下沖一會兒.
3 鍋內有壓力時請勿強行開啟鍋蓋,烹煮過程中不要用其它東西覆蓋限壓閥和排氣閥。烹煮粥、湯等流質食物結束時,使其自然冷卻,請勿打開排氣閥,防止流質食物隨壓力濺出。
4 當鍋內蒸汽頂開限壓閥排氣水時應適當減小火力,保持限壓閥微微跳動排氣即可.避免火力過大導致鍋內湯汁翻騰堵塞排氣孔.老化的膠圈易使壓力鍋漏氣,需要及時更換。
批發聯系QQ:5955010 867548449
聯系電話13575922377 13759711868
wholesale contact QQ: 5955010 tel: 13575922377
每種規格產品重量不同,如需拍樣品,請聯系客服修改郵費。因錯拍而直接付款將不予發貨。敬請諒解。Each specification product weight is different, if you want to take the sample, please contact customer service modify the postage. Due to wrong take direct payments will not be shipped. Please kindly understand.
使用時請註意開蓋 合蓋時水平對準標識
Installation guide
Because it is a new pan, the lid will be hard cover, please note the following:
1, under the wrong don't handle with metal edge side down.
2, inside the lid of the apron inside with a little cooking oil, lubrication.
3, above the triangle and the handle of the lid on the triangle alignment, then hold down the lid, the sliding handle, it is
easy to cover or opened.
Please note that when using open the cover the horizontal alignment marks
Product advantage
Factory direct sale, the price is ultra-low, absolute value!
Apply to stew boil a pot steamed. Working pressure for 55 kpa,
damage to the nutrition is very small, is a recommended pressure cooker, pressure cooker other online magic pressure is 140
kpa, damage to the nutrition is more big! Nutrition in power now, want to eat healthy, food nutrition, food comprehensive! In
the history of the safest and most convenient new explosion-proof
Gland type pressure cooker!
1. The product is safe and reliable. Some crystal relief valve, precision design, overpressure safety. 55 kpa pressure of
work, aluminum alloy pan ear is 2 tons under gravity. Pan tooth design with high intensity. Handle with high density silicone
material, hot and durable. Pressure relief valve and quick pressure relief valve double insurance, security guarantees.
2. The pot body aluminum alloy processing, corrosion resistance, high strength, strong and durable. Application of magnetic
force can ring assembly technique, can quickly gather, shorten the cooking time, energy conservation and high efficiency.
Through thermal redriving technology, greatly increase the heating area, save 20% energy and time. Heating is not easy to
focus. It is not easy to stick.
3. The body is made of high quality aluminum alloy quality. Sealing ring is made of high quality silicone rubber
manufacturing, health, safety, and durable. Reasonable structure, reduce friction when opening and closing lid, prolong the
service life of
4. The international process, design science, elegant appearance. Coal gas, natural gas furnace are applicable (double bottom
pot can also be used for induction cooker). The light inside and outside the physical processing, no besmirch, pot body of
high quality always, for your life more beautiful
5. The products by the China property insurance company accept insurance, meet the eu EN12778 standards, national GB15066-
2004 standard. Quality of absolute security.
Product features
This series of pressure cooker is the market a new generation of products. It meets the requirement of modern families. The
pot body and cover are made of good materials, design and elegant appearance, suitable for electromagnetic range (composite
bottom), gas furnace use, product multilayer composite bottom in 1600 t friction press render, bottom of a smooth, solid and
reliable seamless, bottom diameter greater than average
Similar products, make the pot can absorb heat faster, withstand ultra high temperature, the elastic beam with pan ear
equipped with antiskid safety device, make pressure cookers use safer, more convenient and reliable. First before use, please
put the pot in 1/2 of water and a little milk, bring to a boil for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water to remove odor. In
order to more convenient
In the opening and closing, it is suggested that small edible oil ? daub on the rubber ring
Operational guidelines
1, the first time use, please use cleaner after a meal, add water heating half an hour, to remove odor.
2, confirm the exhaust pipe flow, should be confirmed before each use check whether to open the relief valve holes and
pressure regulating valve vent plug, such as congestion, scrub clean with brush.
3, close the lid to spin clockwise close the lid in place, and handle the alignment hear clicks indicated cover in place.
4, according to the needs, according to the work instructions on regulating valve pressure file transfer pressure regulating
valve knob to the corresponding position.
5, for the sake of rapid heating up, with a strong fire heated to check valve open up, but too hard, pay special attention to
not firepower heating after a period of time, check on the relief valve starting with a small amount of steam to escape ()
this is a normal phenomenon, when the pressure regulating valve lift is continuous steam discharge, should adjust to the
small fire, and begins to calculate cooking time.
6, the pot cooking cannot be more than two-thirds of the volume, cooking expansion of food such as rice or dehydrated
vegetables, no more than half of the pot body volume.
7, after buying the detailed specifications, please read it carefully before use.
8, remember! Not in accordance with the specification requirements, in the event of an accident, liability shall be the
responsibility of the user himself.
9, please take good care instructions
