強省力|省時|更省電 Saving energy | time | power
Dry or wet mop used either with dry sweeping cloths or wet mopping cloths | extraordinary cleaning effect, no vestige, safety
l 新型脫水裝置、可自行控製佈條乾濕度、兼具清潔、吸塵、吸水效果、省
Innovative dehydrating device help you control to fringes dry and wet percentage, it integrated in functions of cleaning, dirty cleaning and water absorbing, to dehydrate more convenient, faster and more safety.
l 新型拖把頭專利設計、可以360度任意旋轉、均勻清潔,輕松深入任何角落。
Innovative patent handle head design can rotate in 360° to reach to every canner in house.
l 獨特佈條纖維,強力清潔,耐磨抗菌,不會刮傷各式地板或其它清潔麵的精致表麵。
Unique microfiber fringes have the advantages of extreme dust cleaning, antiseptic and durable wear,
one set integrates with multifunction
l 新型脫水裝置也能當成小型脫水機,適用一般佈料,毛巾,襪子等小型物品。
l Innovative dehydrate device can be use as a small dehydrating machine for clothing pieces, towels and socks and so on.
l 可適用於住宅或商業,公共空間等不同清潔用途,如各式地板,玻璃窗戶洗車打蠟,任何角落等范圍。
can be used to clean all kinds of floors, glass windows and cars at dwelling house, commercial buildings and public room, etc.
