蜜胺綿 納米綿 魔術海綿 中國鼻祖(誠招各地渠道代理)
名稱:MCB魔潔擦 | 單位:袋 |
尺寸:180*90*30MM | 重量:無 |
材質:蜜胺綿 | 包裝:裝封袋 |
該產品可以廣泛的應用到各個領域。如汽車、傢電製品、冰箱、浴室、沙發、電腦、電話、復印機、桌椅、窗戶、玻璃製品、瓷器等各類中高檔皮具、傢具的陳舊污漬,當然也可根據消費者的具體需求隨意裁剪使用。 Applies to various field. For example; cars,domestic appliance, refrigerators, bath room , sofa, computers, telephones, photocopiers, desk and chairs, windows, glass products chinaware and any other obsolete stains of middle and high quality leather or furniture. It can be cut freely to meet your needs. |
一 用清水浸濕,放在掌心用雙手輕輕擠壓掉多餘的水份,浸濕時先浸濕一半使用,這樣可以增加產品的使用壽命,擦拭污垢時應輕輕反復擦拭,這樣在清潔的同時又可增加物體表麵的光滑度,然後再用吸水性相對較好的乾抺佈擦乾即可。
1. Weltering with water, extrude the excess water with your hands, welter half of the product when you use, so can prolong it’s life; wiping it lightly again and again, increasing the smoothness of surface when you clean, then wipe it with good absorbing mop.
二 本產品有脫離污漬功效.在使用完後不必大力擰擠,用清水沖一沖便可將粘附在MCB魔潔擦上的污垢隨清水脫落,然後放在掌心用雙手輕輕擠壓掉水份自然晾乾後保存待用。
2. The product is free from stains. It’s needless to extrude after using, only water the dirties in MCB can fall of, and then put in hand with hands gently and squeezed the water out to preserve for next time use.
一, 因本品的結構特殊,它不是一塊普通海綿屬於超細纖維結構產品,在擦拭分散污垢的同時吸附污漬,遇水污漬會隨水漂走,自身會慢慢變小,大力擰擠還可能會破損這屬於正常現象。
1. For the product of the specialty, it’s not a ordinary sponge but a fiber structure of products, absorbing dirties when you wipe it, the dirties also will be swept away when in water and it will diminish gradually. It can be damaged when you extrude it at full tilt, it’s a normal phenomenon.
二, 本品擦拭完後,若有殘留污漬可用乾抹佈擦乾即可。
2. After using the products, you can wipe with a mop if there are residuals.
三, 不推薦在油污嚴重的地方使用,消耗可能會較大。
3. Do not recommend use in grease seriously, the consumption may be great.
四, 因本品有超強的摩擦、吸咐、分離性能,在擦拭皮革或其它貴重物品時請先在隱蔽處試擦確定無影響後再使用。
4. For it’s strong rubbing,absorbing,separation function, please wipe in shelter first when clean the leather or other valuable things, then use it if there is no influence.
五, 擦拭電子、電器製品時,盡量壓乾水份註意滲水,當心觸電。
5. Try to press for water and care of sink in avoid of shock when you wipe the electronic products.
六, 本品有無毒無味、耐磕碰、耐腐蝕、耐高溫、耐低溫等優點,但因其超強的摩擦能力,故不適用於擦拭人體和食品,以免受傷。
6. MCB has non-toxic, resistance against, anticorrosion, high-temperature resistance, low-temperature resistance characteristics. It not use in clean body and food for its strong rubbing capability in avoid of injured.
七, 請放置在學齡前兒童不易接觸的地方。
7. Putting away from preschool children。