Yangzhou Liangshuang Cosmetic Co., Ltd. was founded in 2014. The company is located in Hangji, the ecological new district of science and technology, which is located in the eastern suburbs of the historical city Yangzhou. Ning-tong expressway goes through the town, so the traffic is very convenient.Liangshuangis very professional in the production of Shampoo, shower gel and other hotel supplies. It is an integrated cosmetic company including research and development, production and sales.
There are more than one hundred employees inLiangshuang. It has the independent research and development team, advanced production line and professional quality department. The products don’t only earn the favor from the domestic clients, but also popular in the international market, like England, Germany and other European countries; America, Brazil and other American countries; and some African countries. The company is always in line with the tenet ofHonest, Civilization, and High Efficiency. The staff always product carefully, support the best service.
1、關於產品圖片: 我們的產品圖片均為實物拍攝,無任何外在軟件處理,保證圖片和實物一樣;但在不同光線下,不同的顯示器下看會造成色差問題,如需定貨可來樣或告之色卡號。
2 關於打樣: 我們可以為客人提供優質的打樣服務,但因打樣過程需付出一定的工時,需要適當收取一定的費用,如今後雙方產生合作關系,該費用可無條件退還;
3、關於樣品費用: 如是常規的產品,我們會為有誠意的客人提供相關的樣品,隻須客人承擔快遞費用;如產品價值較高的產品或樣品數量較多的情況下,客人需要支付一定的樣品費,樣品費在今後的合作中可從貨款中扣除。
4、關於做貨時間 如無特殊情況,正常的交貨時間為收到訂金日起10天內,特殊情況可商洽!請各位新老客戶提前15-20天與我們定貨,已確保我們能正常交貨;
5、關於出貨時間: 一般情況下出貨時間為收到定金後的7-10天內準時交貨。
6、關於付款方式: 我們在保證貨品質量的前提下,收取合同金額或貨值的30-50%作為定金,在貨物生產結束後客人需及時支付70%的餘款後,我們方能安排出貨;在定金或餘款已安排的情況下請及時通知我們,以免耽誤生產和交貨時間;
7、運輸方式 可發快遞或物流,常用的快遞合作夥伴有:順豐、申通、圓通、MSN、韻達、天天快遞等,物流合作夥伴有:中原物流、旺旺聯運等其
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