名帆傢具製造廠成立於2000年,是一傢專業生產現代實木和板式配套系列的公司。公司位於中 國的傢具重鎮順德龍江,自公司創立以來,走品牌化發展道路,“名帆”註冊商標2004年申請 使用至今已有十多年,經過多年的不懈努力,業務快速的發展,產品暢銷海內外,贏得消費者的 一致推崇和業界的高度認同,尤其受到印度、越南、摩洛哥等國傢和地區的喜愛。
本公司擁有先進的生產設備以及一批擁有豐富設計製作經驗的專業人才。公司集產品設計、 生產、銷售及服務於一體。本著以人為本,視質量為產品的生命的宗旨,竭誠為客戶提供質優價 廉、具有高性價比的產品。恪守以誠為本、以質為根、以服務取勝、以科技領先,為客戶提供多 樣化的選擇。
MingFan furniture factory was established on year 2000,we produce the solid wood furniture
and the walnut furniture.Our factory was located in Shunde Longjiang.We are absorbed in buliding
brand from"MingFan"registered trade mark was valided on 2004,the business was developed very
fast in this more than ten years,and our products was interested by the country India,Vietnam
Morocco and other areas.
We have the good machines and the good designer,we design,produce,and sell by our owe.
Quality was our most focus things,we can give you the good service and the most competitive
produce.We can also give you the most good choice.Thanks for choicing MingFan furniture Factory.
