您好!實木櫥櫃按延米賣,地櫃吊櫃分開計算,需要您確定櫃體、門板、和臺麵材料我們才能給你提供報價。 櫥櫃總價:地櫃價格+臺麵價格+吊櫃價格+可選配件(高端五金、拉籃、櫥櫃燈、羅馬柱、頂線、燈線)+運費 目前我們的安裝范圍有限,購買前請與客服溝通。零售客戶不能自己解決安裝問題的,請您先瞭解清楚後再確定購買。 網上溝通的客戶確定購買後,我們會根據客戶提供的草圖和材料初步預算並報價,客戶接受報價後付300元誠意金(可作為貨款)我方出CAD圖紙和效果圖。 經過與客戶溝通確認滿意之後,我們做詳細報價。整體櫥櫃衣櫃屬於定製類產品實施無庫存管理。產品隻能一次性銷售,下單生產後不辦理退換貨手續,不參與“非定製類產品七天無理由退換.網站報價為單地櫃含門板的報價,不含臺麵。 您下單前請就所有疑問和客服作詳細咨詢瞭解。任何疑問都歡迎您與我們的客服聯系 客服QQ: 2803005280聯系電話:0757-28786296 整體櫥櫃配置: 

【櫥櫃標準尺寸說明】: 上櫃:650-700mm高*300-350mm深 Wall cabinet:H650-700mm*D 300-350mm 下櫃:800-850mm高*550-580mm深(含地腳) base cabinet:H800-850mm*D 550-580mm 臺麵:550-600mm - (深度) Counter top:D550-600mm 計價單位:米 櫃體Carcase material: 按材料分類隨著櫥櫃在國人生活中的普及,之前用作櫃體的防潮板已經逐漸為客戶所認知,防潮板用作櫥櫃櫃體對於相當多的客戶已經滿足不瞭客戶品質需要,鷹荷傢具根據市場的變化在多年前就已經采用E1環保標準實木多層板、背板采用5mm實木多層夾板,不易變形更環保,背板是很多客戶容易忽視的關鍵部位,也是直接關系到櫥櫃整體使用壽命的關鍵(大多數商傢為瞭降低成本使用3mm或5mm厚的密度板背板)。 該套櫥櫃櫃體采用18mmE1環保標準實木多層板、背板采用5mm實木多層夾板,不易變形更環保, [ Cabinet ] : press the space consists of a wall cabinet, cabinet , decoration , high closet . Classified by material along with the popularity of the cabinets in the life of people , previously used as a moisture-proof board of the cabinet has been gradually to customer perceptions , moisture-proof board as a cabinet enclosure for a considerable number of customers has failed to meet the needs of customers quality , Eagle Netherlands furniture according to changes in the market three years ago, have adopted E1 environmental standards wood , plywood, backplane 5mm solid wood multi-layer Malacca board , not easily deformed more environmentally friendly, the backplane is easy to overlook a key component of many customers , but also directly related to the the key to the overall service life of the cabinet ( most businesses in order to reduce the cost of 3mm or 5mm thick MDF backplane ) . 
門板 Door material: 此款實木櫥櫃門板采用材料是取自森林的天然原木經過烘乾、下料、刨光、開榫高速銑形、組裝、打磨、上油漆等工序科學加工而成的高端實木門板。 

臺麵 Counter top: 【臺麵】:此款櫥櫃的臺麵為石英石臺麵等;鷹荷傢具主要推薦使用15mm石英石臺麵,因為石英石臺麵抗刮花性能是其他臺麵無法滿足的。 Countertops : This section cabinet table quartz stone countertops ; Eagle - Dutch furniture recommended 15mm quartz stone countertops , quartz stone countertops anti-scratch performance can not be met by other countertops . 
【地腳】:包括地腳線、調整地腳和連接件。調整地腳常用的有塑料和金屬兩種,通常采用ABS工程塑料可調節腳,每個承重40kg(黑色)在廚房地麵不水平的情況下也能保證櫥櫃水平,效果更佳。純PVC、實木、多層板踢腳板,高度可選(100/120mm) The foot : foot line , adjust the foot and connections . Adjust the foot commonly used two kinds of plastic and metal , usually using ABS plastic adjustable feet , each bearing 40kg ( black ) in the case of the kitchen floor is not level but also to ensure the cabinet level , the better . Pure PVC, solid wood , plywood baseboards, optional height ( 100/120mm ) 【五金配件】:包括正品(百隆Blum、東泰DTC)液壓門鉸鏈、導軌、拉手、吊碼、其他結構配件、裝飾配件等;註:百隆、海蒂詩配件不在每米計價范圍內。 Hardware accessories : including genuine ( Blum, Dongtai DTC ) hydraulic door hinges , handles, rails, hanging code , other structural parts, decorative accessories , etc. ; Note : Blum, Hettich accessories are not pricing per meter range within . 
【功能配件】:包括星盆、龍頭、實木抽屜、各種拉籃、拉架、置物架、米箱、垃圾筒等;註:該配件不在每米計價范圍內。 Function Accessories : sink , faucet , solid wood drawer , a variety of ( Granville everything ) basket, Lycra , racks, meter boxes, trash , etc.; Note: The accessories are not within the per meters pricing range . 【電器】:抽油煙機、消毒櫃、冰箱、爐灶、烤箱、微波爐、洗碗機等;註:該配件不在每米計價范圍內。 Appliances : range hood , disinfecting cabinet , refrigerator , stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher ; Note: The accessories are not per meter pricing range . 【燈具】:層板燈、頂板燈、各種內置、外置式廚櫃專用燈。註:該配件不在每米計價范圍內。 Lamps : Shelf lights , roof lights , a variety of built-in , external cabinets special lights. Note: The accessories are not per meter pricing range . 【實力】公司擁有綠色生產,先進的製造工藝,公司產品為工廠直銷,歡迎外貿合作夥伴來工廠參觀,歡迎網上客戶發圖紙報價。 Strengths company has green production, advanced manufacturing technology , our products are factory direct sales , foreign trade partners are welcome to visit the factory , welcome to the online Customer drawings offer . |