用於各類鍛壓機床的氣動離合器 ,耐磨性好,性價比高。 C-1# 鍛壓機床摩擦片 C-1#Frictionbulksforpress 產品主要改進以酚醛樹脂及少量增韌材料為粘接劑;無機纖維及少量有機纖維配合摩擦材料調節劑。經熱壓成型後熱處理。產品主要用於鍛壓機床,其特點是耐高溫、摩擦性能穩定、機械強度高。 The product uses phenolicresinand a few toughness-enhancing materials as adhesive, inorganic fiber and a littleorganic fiber together with friction material regulators. Heat treated after hot pressed. The product is mainly usedfor press, withhigh temperature resistance,smooth friction performance and highmechanicalstrength. 主要技術指標 Key technical data 項目 Project 試驗機摩擦盤表麵溫度℃ Test machine friction disk surface temperature ℃ 100 150 200 250 指定摩擦系數 Designedfriction coefficient 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 允許偏差 Allowed tolerance ±0.05 ±0.08 ±0.08 ±0.10 磨損率 10-7cm3/(N.m) Wear rate 10-7cm3/(N.m) 0.20 0.30歡迎致電高闊汽配有限公司15157573318感謝您的致電