包 裝:1套20顆
材 質:高強度合金鋼
顏 色:鈦色(HB),彩色(rainbow)
規 格:M12*1.5/M12*1.25
不可使用車型:雪佛蘭邁銳寶 polo,寶來
廣州市越秀區展興汽車用品商行 經銷批發的防盜螺母、隔音棉、墊片、氣門嘴、氣門嘴帽暢銷消費者市場,在消費者當中享有較高的地位,公司與多傢零售商和代理商建立瞭長期穩定的合作關系。廣州市越秀區展興汽車用品商行經銷的防盜螺母、隔音棉、墊片、氣門嘴、氣門嘴帽品種齊全、價格合理。廣州市越秀區展興汽車用品商行實力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保證產品質量,以多品種經營特色和薄利多銷的原則,贏得瞭廣大客戶的信任。
Guangzhou city Yuexiu District Zhanxing automotive supplies firm wholesale distribution of the anti-theft nut, sound insulation cotton, gaskets, valve, valve cap best-selling consumer market, among consumers enjoy a higher status,the company with several retailers and agents to establish a long-term stablerelations of cooperation. Guangzhou city Yuexiu District exhibition Hingsupplies automotive business distribution of the anti-theft nut, sound insulation cotton, gaskets, valve, valve cap variety complete, the price is reasonable. Guangzhou city Yuexiu District Zhanxing automotive supplies firm strength, heavy credit, abiding by contract, guarantee product quality, withmany varieties of management features and the principle of small profits, won the trust of our customers.
