Company Profile
青島卡樂爾工貿有限公司坐落於美麗的海濱城市青島。成立於2006年,註冊資金500萬元。主要產品為毛絨玩具、卡通玩具、電動玩具、嬰兒玩具及其床上用品。擁有自主研發、設計、自主品牌、渠道和國際化企業。公司有雄厚的經濟基礎,工廠員工人數在200人、專業技術人員占公司員工40%,資深設計師2人,助理設計師3人,隨著我國加入WTO,進出口貿易的日益增長,為瞭進一步滿足貿易商、進出口商的需求,我公司為商傢精心打造瞭 門對門的一站式服務。
Located in a beautiful coastal city, Qingdao Kaleer Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. has been established since 2006, with the registered capital of five million yuan. As an internationalized enterprise with solid economic foundation, we are capable to research, develop and design our own brand and channel. There are 200 employees in our factory, 40% of whom are professional technicians, including two senior designers and three assistant designers. Since the accession to WTO, the import and export trade in China has developed increasingly. To satisfy the requirements from traders, we are committed to offer one-stop service.
A comprehensive product information network has been established, with partners all over the world. Guided by our management concept, that is, "to offer the best service", we have made dramatic achievements with unceasing efforts from all the staff, especially those who are skilled at business and operation. We are growing rapidly with the high-speed development of Chinese market. Welcome to our company and factory! We hope to cooperate with customers all over the world, and create a wonderful future together!
EnterpriseMission: Create popular brand with sustainability
EnterpriseSpirit: Be committed to fashionable and innovative enterprise
EnterpriseValue: Work with heart and soul on the basis of integrity to achieve harmonious development and create a win-win situation together.
卡樂爾 承諾質量保證,所有玩具沒有經過PS處理,實物拍攝,所見即所得,敬請新老朋友放心采購!
聯系電話:15854202508 廠 電 :0532--86767113
