CUT系列 逆變直流空氣等離子切割機 ※ 采用瞭先進的場管全橋逆變電路控製技術,逆變頻率高,可實現準確快速的輸出控製。 ※ 具有可靠性高、切割品質好、體積小重量輕,移動方便,高效節能、焊縫小、節約材料的特點。 ※ 電流無級調節,起弧電流緩升控製,割嘴損耗小。 ※ 高溫、高速和高能的空氣等離子壓縮電弧。 ※ 能量集中、割縫窄、切割速度快、割件熱擴散麵積和熱變形小。 ※主要用於切割各種碳鋼、不銹鋼、合金鋼、銅以及鋁、鋁合金等金屬材料。 CUT Series Inverter DC Air Plasma Cutting Machine ※ The use of advanced switching full-bridge inverter circuit control technology high-frequency inverters, the output can be realized quickly and accurately control. ※ High reliability, good quality, mobile convenience, save the material. ※ Current levels need not regulation, starting slowly ascending are current control, cut up small loss. ※ Consumable saving features. ※ High temperature, high speed and high compression of air plasma arc. ※ Energy centralized, narrow in kerf, speed quickly, shears the thermo diffusion surface and the thermal deformation is all smaller. ※ Mainly for cutting various carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, copper and aluminum, aluminum alloy and other metals.
