最新技術生產的全合成基礎油和進口添加劑精製而成的最高端的合成發動機油;優異的低溫流動性,啟動順暢,提升駕駛舒適; 卓越的清凈分散性,有效抑製積碳和油泥的產生,保持發動機內部高度清潔; 優異的高低溫氧化安定性,超強的酸中和性能力,有效抑製發動機機件銹蝕和腐蝕,延長油品使用周期,延長發動機使用壽命; 硫磷含量低,三元催化器使用壽命長,滿足歐Ⅳ排放法規要求。 適用於要求使用SN級別機油的汽油發動機,如奔馳、寶馬、奧迪、勞斯萊斯、福特、別克、凱迪拉克、林肯、沃爾沃、捷豹、凌志、雷諾、法拉利、保時捷等豪華轎車、跑車和賽車等。 The latest technology of the production of synthetic base oil and imported additives refined from the top of the synthetic engine oil; excellent low temperature mobility, start smooth, enhance driving comfort; Excellent detergency, effectively inhibit carbon deposition and sludge production, keep the engine clean inside height; Excellent high and low temperature oxidation stability, strong acid neutralizing capacity, effectively inhibit the engine parts rust and corrosion, extend the life cycle of oil, prolonging the service life of the engine; The low sulfur and sulfur content, the three element catalyst has a long service life, and meets the requirements of the EU IV emission regulations. Gasoline engines, such as Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, Rolls Royce, Ford, Buick, Cadillac, Lincoln, Volvo, Jaguar, Ling Zhi, Renault, Ferrari, Porsche and other luxury cars, sports cars and other luxury cars, such as Mercedes Benz,, Audi,, Renault, Ferrari, Porsche and other luxury cars, and so on.
