羅絲弗自05年成立以來,在深圳開設五金加工廠,再增設佛山市羅絲弗五金製品有限公司,是一般納稅人企業,也是一個穩中求進充滿活力的公司。公司務實的作風,良好的質量口碑,贏得業界一致好評。工廠以先進的冷鐓擠壓工藝設備為基礎,配合數控車床、註塑機等,主要生產手擰膠頭螺絲、彈簧柱塞、不銹鋼公英美製螺絲及其配件。羅絲弗有著豐富的生產製造經驗,可承接定製精密非標緊固件,同時銷售配套安裝工具。本著生產為主,代理為輔的宗旨,打造一個別具特色的緊固件庫存體系。實體店服務周邊,更建立線上服務,廣結客商。Roosevelt05 years since its inception, open hardware processing factory in Shenzhen City, and then add FoshanRoosevelt hardware product Limited company, is the general taxpayer enterprises make progress while maintaining stability, is a vibrant company. Company pragmatic style, quality and good reputation, won industry acclaim. Factories with advanced cold heading extrusion equipments as the foundation, with the CNC lathe, such as injection molding machine, mainly the production of hand screw plastic screws, stainless steel spring plunger, the British public to ANSI screws and accessories.Roosevelt has rich manufacturing experience, can undertake customized precision non-standard fasteners, while sales of ancillary installation tool. In production, the agent as auxiliary purpose, to create a unique fastener inventory system. The entity shop service in the surrounding, more established online service, wide ties customers.