包裝上,我們已經是做到可以做出讓客戶滿意的 OEM產品。工廠主營產品:手袋、皮具、遊戲機包、
相機袋, 快譯通皮套,羽毛球袋,個人護理包、DJ調控器背掛袋、汽車椅背掛袋、背包、電腦包、體
?? 合作夥伴:HITACHI、PHILIPS、聯塑電工、TCL、四維管道、Pioneer、YAMAHA等等;
生產能力:我廠現發展 為擁有車間麵積2千多平方米,一線車位工作人員100多人。產品QC方麵全
The Kenway handbag & craft CO.,LTD. produce kinds of nylon bags、backpack、cool bags, picnic
baskets, packing bags, as cosmetic bag, tool bags, mobile bags, electrical packing bags etc; ability to
innovate and continuously come up with new themes each season has drawn widespread admiration
in the domestic market in Mainland China. Our talented team of designers and marketers possesses
the vision to identify upcoming key trends, interpret and communicate them to the mass. Our ERP
merchandising information system enables us to better analyze customer preferences on a regional
and store basis, and customize design assortments to meet their
expectation. Quality, Fit and Value are the essence of the our brands. With our own pattern-making
and sampling studio, turnaround time for new product introductions is minimized and fitting
guaranteed. Also, in partnership with our suppliers, our Quality Assurance team employs
internationally recognized standards to ensure that we consistently exceed customers' expectations
in both fabric and
workmanship quality. Lastly, we source all our fabrication directly from the mills, enabling
us to achieve the lowest possible costs. We believe nothing is more vital to our business than a
customer. It is our goal not only to satisfy but exceed our customers‘ expectation Should you have
any need, please feel free to contact us at
