銷售熱線 15949078150 / 0514-86820031
YBDX-98-7電動吸痰機 | |
詳細信息: | |
FEATURES: 1、Electric absorb phlegm unit adopts oil-free self-lubricating single plunger pump as suction source of negative pressure, comprised of negative pressure pump (single plunger pump), negative pressure regulator, negative pressure indicator, collection container assembly and framework etc.; 2、It can execute the stepless pressure regulation according to the viscosity of patient's phlegm, the phlegm and mucus can be sucked out rapidly, relieve the patient's pain causing by phlegm blocking thus to be out of danger; 3、Overflow valve safety device is equipped, safe and reliable; 4、According to shock proof type and degree, the electric suction apparatus is divided into class Ⅰ device type B application part, run mode is continuous, IPX0, none AP type or APG type common devices; 5、The products meet related requestments of IEC60601-1,IEC60601-1-2,ISO10079-1. TECHNICAL SPECS: 1、Negative pressure limit: ≥0.08MPa(600mmHg); 2、Negative pressure adjustable range: 0.02~0.08MPa(150~600mmHg); 3、Pumping rate: hole (air vent)≥10L/min, terminal≥6L/min; 4、Power: AC220V±22V, 50Hz±1Hz; 5、Input: ≤30VA; 6、Noise: ≤60dB; 7、Collection container capacity: 1000ml; 8、Work environment: temperature:+5℃~+35℃, relative humidity: 25℃ no exceeding 80%, atmospheric pressure: 86KPa~106KPa.
執行標準:YZB/蘇0047-2012 生產許可證:蘇食藥監械生產許2001-0173號 註冊證號:蘇食藥監械(準)字2012第2540055號 |
