退熱貼Cooling Gel Patch
物理降溫physical cooling
清涼舒適comfortable Cooling and refreshing
方便安全Safe Convenient
華衛退熱貼的7大優點Seven advantages of Huawei cooling gel patch
1. 本產品基質為全國獨有多元高分子材料與蛋白肽交聯組合型水性凝膠,質地柔軟晶瑩剔透。有彈性肌膚質感。The substrate of this product is composed of multiple polymer materials and protein peptide water-based gel crosslinking combination .Its glittering and translucent texture is soft and elastic skin texture.
2. 有效原料厚度比一般退熱貼厚,皮膚接觸麵積更大,因而療效持續時間比一般退熱貼長1倍以上With thicker effective raw material and larger skin contact area, its effective time is twice longer than that of average product. .
3. 本產品具有幾號的退熱,提神,醒腦,祛痛及保護大腦的作用,使用方便。The product has excellent antifebrile, refreshing, analgesic and brain-protecting function and is easy to use.
4. 粘性好,揭下皮膚上無絲毫殘留,貼之有神奇的肌膚觸感,其高含水性是之與皮膚生物相容性好,避免乾凅及脫落發生。Without any residues, it can be peeled off easily and when used, the fine touch gives skin comfort at any time. The high aquosity with excellent skin biocompatibility can avoid being dry and falling off.
5. 所有原材料通過三道精選,原裝進口,有效物質天然植物揮發油包絡在高分子凝膠內,具有長效緩釋作用,8小時以內持續帶走熱量,降溫效果好。All the raw materials adopt three selections, and are imported with original packagings. The active substance, natural plant volatile oil, is in polymer gel envelope. With long-term slow-release role, it can continuously take away heat for 8 hours and has good effect.
6. 性能穩定,確保療效,不含任何有害物質,無刺激性,極少產生皮膚過敏。The product has stable performance and can ensure curative effect. And it does not contain any harmful substances and has no excitant, so it seldom irritates the skin.
7. 與武漢大學醫藥學院,同濟醫院強強聯合,共同研發生產。The product is researched and developed by Wuhan huawei technology together with Medical College of Wuhan University and Tongji Medical College (they are famous associations in China).
產品型號[Type No.] HT-03/T-02/HT-01
產品由背襯層,凝膠層(包含醫用凝膠,丙三醇,水,薄荷醇等)以及良好的剝離紙,很容易方便剝離。It consists of backing layer, gel layer(contains medicalgel,glycerol,water,menthol, etc)and excellent release layer, easy tear and convenience.
