品名/型號: 廠傢批發包包裝飾配件 DIY包包配件材料 衣服箱包服裝DIY五金飾、服飾diy配件 服飾金屬五金配件 CCB箱包配件 兒童服飾輔料配件/diy飾品 DIY發飾配件 箱包流行服飾配件 CCB圓珠 磨紗珠配件批發/DIY飾品配件 大牌箱包裝飾配件 五金飾品配件 靜福CCB珠飾
顏色: 銅色,圖片款。
尺寸: 圖片中的每個款式價格不一樣,親們有需要請找我報價。
個性化定製: 接受
用途:流行服飾 、時尚珠寶首飾,項鏈,手鐲,耳環,戒指,腰帶,手機配飾等時尚飾品。
我們的服務 1.根據客戶需求,個性化定製產品顏色,樣式,規格等等
產品特性 無鉛無鎳,健康環保
關於我們 專註於各種飾品的生產銷售,擁有8年的出口經驗,10年的生產製造經驗
QQ:2674655900 電話:18925710002 金生 (辛苦拍攝,請勿盜圖,盜圖必究/靜福CCB)
Name/model: clothing diy accessories accessories metal hardware accessories CCB equipment accessories Children's clothing accessories
Material: environmental CCB/ABS
Color: copper, pictures.
Size: the price of each style in different images, the pro has the need to please find my quotation.
Personalization: accept
Purpose: fashion, fashion jewelry, necklace, bracelet, earrings, rings, belts, fashion accessories such as mobile phone accessories.
Our service 1. According to customer requirements, customization product color, style, specification, etc
2. A large number of inventory, no minimum quantity limit.
3. According to customer needs, large quantities of plating (gold, silver, gun color, white gold). The default for red copper embryo.
Product features Lead and nickel, healthy environmental protection
about we focus on all kinds of jewelry production and sales, has eight years of export experience, 10 years of experience in production and manufacturing
QQ: 2674655900 tel: 18925710002 kinson
