加工產品種類 | 半寶天然飾品 | 加工方式 | 來樣加工 |
加工設備 | 全手工 | 材質 | 寶石 |
使用場合 | 廣告促銷、會議慶典、辦公福利、商務公關、答謝客戶、開業典禮、節日慶祝、婚慶、生日、喬遷、畢業升學、外事 | 送禮對像 | 送父母/長輩、送孩子/寶寶、送女友/老婆、送朋友、送同事、送客戶、送領導、送同學、送恩師、送老外、送姐姐/妹妹 |
製作方法 | 半機械半手工 |
網站:www.luckysz.com.cnMSN:[email protected]:0755-25808843/13686472049
China Exclusive specializing in the production of various international sales of semi-precious stones on the West Indian style semi-precious stones products, we own more than 50 people polished jewelry processing factories and more than 100 workers, and raw materials from a variety of fossils to a half-shells of miscellaneous stone agate crystal China-made imports very complete stone, standing close to all kinds of raw materials as much as 600. Polished stone from the edge to the package they die polishing inlaid jewelry production train, the various specifications, the absolute minimum price. We are carving wax master, to map from the board processing, and absolute confidentiality for your style. Can also set single stone or child care (table). We have over 5,000 models to ensure that you have to be able to find the style, our designers can also click your request for you to do a unique version of the design from the style. We have all kinds of low-priced wholesale K-gold, precious stones and the original point of beads and other products, 100% direct manufacturers, no layers of exploitation of your profits.
Our website:www.luckysz.com.cnMSN:[email protected]