- 產品品牌:祥業
- 類別:其它
- 是否提供加工定制:其它
- 送禮對象:其它
- 材質:其它
類別:竹制品 | 材質:竹 |
本廠成立于1999年, 本廠擁有專業的生產設備,先進的生產工藝和雄厚的技術團隊,主要生產各種規格的竹勺、竹筷等產品。品種繁多,款式新穎,且價格適中,為了確保產品質量,我們選用最優質的竹材作為原材料,且所有的原材料都經過嚴格的防蛀及防霉等十幾道工序改性處理。每一類產品都有多種款式及規格,以滿足客戶的不同需求。產品暢銷國內市場,并且遠銷臺灣、日本、韓國、東南亞等國家和地區。 工廠倡導以人為本、以信立身、開拓進取、面向未來的宗旨,樹立守信、開放、誠實的企業形象,來滿足國內外客戶和市場的需求。
Company the natural world and culture introducing that the auspicious job of Shao Wu City articles made of bamboo factory is located in the famous world distance of pair of inheritance , country priority scenery famous place for scenery or historical relics, the Wu Yi Shan City scenic spot is encircled by resource inside neighbouring Shao Wu City , all round , raw material is in liberal supply , traffic is very convenient and rapid. The factory is set up in 1999 , the factory owns the special field production facility, advanced productive technology and tremendous technology team, products such as spoon , bamboo chopsticks producing various specification bamboo mainly. The breed is numerous , style is new and original, and price is moderate, for ensuring product quality, we are selected and used the high grade bamboo wood is raw material most , all raw material all handles and by that strict prevention of moth and more than ten working procedure such as mould proof change nature. Every kind of product has various style and specification, to satisfy customer's diversity need. The product sells well for home market, and distant pin countries and regions such as Taiwan , Japan , Korea Republic , Southeast Asia. The factory proposes the purpose people-oriented , conducting self , making pioneering efforts , being geared to the needs of future with message , sets up keep one's word , open , honest enterprise image , comes to satisfy the home and abroad customer and the marketplace need. The travelling merchant patronizes cordially welcome home and abroad , we will use the most faithful fervent , the best quality , the high grade service, looks forward to your support and cooperation most!
