· 用於靜電控製和其他ESD應用的材料設計
· 對ESD管控包裝材料進行驗收和確認以滿足現行標準的必要
· 根據ANSI/ESD STM11.11測量表麵電阻
· 根據ANSI/ESD STM11.12測量體電阻
· 根據ASTM D-257測量表麵或體電阻率
· 通過帶有內嵌彈簧,及自我標定功能的電療來減少校準頻率
· 雙麵測試板的絕緣測試麵用於ANSI/ESD STM11.11表麵電阻測試,帶有不銹鋼板的一麵用於ANSI/ESD STM 11.12體電阻測試
· 配合大量程電阻主表和一個5磅電療使用。(機表和重錘不含在套件內)
· Used to design materials for Static Control and other Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) applications
· Necessary for the Qualification and Verification of ESD Controlled Packaging Materials to meet current standards
· Measures Surface Resistance per ANSI/ESD STM11.11
· Measures Volume Resistance per ANSI/ESD STM11.12
· Approximates Surface & Volume Resistivity per ASTM D-257
· Incorporates a spring loaded, self-aligning center electrode feature to reduce calibration frequency
· Its Dual Test Bed consists of an Insulated Test Surface for ANSI/ESD STM11.11 Surface Resistance measurements laminated to a Steel Test Plate used for ANSI/ESD STM 11.12 Volume Resistance measurements
· Used with a wide range Resistance Meter and one 5 lb. Electrode. (Instrument and Electrode not included)
這些測試項目包括:根據ANSI/ESD STM11.11測試表麵電阻、根據ANSI/ESD STM11.12測試體電阻、根據ASTM D-257測試表麵和體電阻率。
註意:ANSI/ESD標準用於需要靜電放電控製的材料,而ASTM D-257被用於評估絕緣材料在電流的釋放和電力的應用
Measure Surface or Volume Resistance
Designed originally for flat (planar) packaging materials, this unique portable test fixture will measure Surface and Volume Resistance of virtually any flat material in accordance with current industry standards.
These include Surface Resistance per ANSI/ESD STM11.11, and Volume Resistance per ANSI/ESD STM11.12, and will approximate surface and volume resistivity measurements per ASTM D-257.
Note that ANSI/ESD Standards are for materials employed for electrostatic discharge control, while ASTM D-257 is used to assess insulating materials utilized in electrical distribution and power applications.
Use it with our Resistance Instruments
The PRF-911 Concentric Ring is a low-profile test fixture conceived specifically for use with the Prostat Resistance instruments such as the PRS-801 Resistance System, PRS-812 Resistance Meter and the PAS-853B Resistance Auditing System.
The Concentric Ring is an important tool to caluculate surface resistivity and volume resistivity. For example, multiply the surface resistance measurement in ohms by 10 to obtain surface resistivity in ohms/square.
其緊湊的尺寸可將它嵌入到小尺寸而形狀不固定的容器內,例如ESD屏蔽袋,而不需要切割包材。Measure ESD Bags
Its compact size allows the fixture to be inserted into small flexible containers, such as an ESD protective bag, without having to cut the package.
Maintains Consistent Contact
The PRF-911 incorporates a spring loaded, self-aligning center electrode feature. This unusual feature aids in maintaining consistent contact of the fixture’s highly conductive rubber electrode surfaces with materials under test.This reduces the need for frequent calibration and alignment of the fixture.
A Dual Test Bed for the either Measurement
The PTB-920 Dual Test Bed consists of an insulated test surface for S11.11 surface measurements laminated to a steel test plate, which is employed for volume resistivity measurements.
The four inch diameter steel test bed assembly includes a banana receptacle for instrument connections during volume measurements.
在小於100 ohms到大於1.01012 Ohms量程中間,PRF-911可以精準測量。這種配置可接到任何機表的參考接地或大地接地來減少外界的靜電場和靜電荷的乾擾。
Wide Range, Accurate Performance
The PRF-911 is capable of accurate measurements from less than 100 ohms (<1.0102ohms), to greater than 1.01012 Ohms (>1.01013 ohms/square). The fixture is configured so that it can be connected to either an instrument ground reference or earth ground to minimize the effects of extraneous fields and charges on the measurement.
What’s included
· PRF-911 Concentric Ring
· PTB-920 Dual Test Bed
· PRF-911GGL 36" Green Silicone Test Lead
· PRF-911 BNC Adapter
