The Model 406D Static Decay Meter is a completely
self-contained system for measuring the static decay
characteristics of materials. The instrument consists of
two components: the Control Unit and the Faraday Test
Cage. This configuration enables the test cage to be
placed within a humidity control chamber such as the
ETS Model 5506 for testing material under controlled
environmental conditions.
1.Tests material per FTM Std. 101C, Method 4046
2Meets static decay requirements of MIL-PRF-81705D, EIA-541 & NFPA 99
3Automatic and manual test modes Selectable cutoff levels of 50%, 10% & 1%
4 0.01 second decay time resolution
5 Test Module for verifying system operation
6Custom electrodes for specialized testing
符合 GB19082-2009 《醫用一次性防護服技術要求》中對材料靜電衰減測量
