| 工廠簡介: Factory Introduction 本公司專業生產恐龍考古挖掘玩具,恐龍再現、侏羅紀傢園、恐龍皮諾考古、尋寶考古、 埃及考古,探險、天氣,益智玩具,魔術玩具等DIY系列玩具,主要銷往美國、歐洲等市場. Ourcompany specializes in production of series of toys including archaeological excavation of dinosaurs, dinosaur reproduction, Jurassic homes, Pino dinosaur archeology, archaeological treasure, Egyptian archeology, adventure, weather experiment, educational, magic tricks, DIY sets, etc. Products are mainly exported to USA and Europe markets.
泥土挖掘玩具說明: 先把相關玩具埋進泥土,然後經過多重工序加工完成產品,小朋友通過產品裡麵的挖掘工具,自己動手,從泥土裡麵把玩具找出來,組裝好。 產品具有集考古、尋寶、探險、益智、娛樂、教育於一體,可以提升孩子的認知能力與動手能力,培養孩子的綜合觀察力與總結分析能力,感受探索、發現的樂趣,屬於最新的DIY玩具 Excavation Toys Instruction : Our factory put the related toys buried in the clay, finish the product through multiple processes. Finally, children use the provided tools to dig out the toy parts and assemble them into the entire article. Our products focus archeology, treasure hunt, adventure, education and entertainment, that can enhance children’s cognitive ability, observation ability,hand workmanship ability, have them experience the fun of discovering. That’s our latest DIY series of toys. 本廠秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。歡迎廣大客戶來廠來電洽談! Our philosophy – “Customer first, Move ahead". We treat our customers right, provide top quality service. Welcome customer call for businessmeeting. | |
| 本公司專業生產恐龍考古挖掘玩具,恐龍再現、侏羅紀傢園、恐龍皮諾考古、尋寶考古、 埃及考古,探險、天氣,益智玩具,魔術玩具等DIY系列玩具,主要銷往美國、歐洲等市場. Our company specializes in production of series of toys including archaeological excavation of dinosaurs, dinosaur reproduction, Jurassic homes, Pino dinosaur archeology, archaeological treasure, Egyptian archeology, adventure, weather experiment, educational, magic tricks, DIY sets, etc. Products are mainly exported to USA and Europe markets.
泥土挖掘玩具說明: 先把相關玩具埋進泥土,然後經過多重工序加工完成產品,小朋友通過產品裡麵的挖掘工具,自己動手,從泥土裡麵把玩具找出來,組裝好。 產品具有集考古、尋寶、探險、益智、娛樂、教育於一體, 可以提升孩子的認知能力與動手能力,培養孩子的綜合觀察力與總結分析能力,感受探索、發現的樂趣,屬於最新的DIY玩具 Excavation Toys Instruction : Our factory put the related toys buried in the clay, finish the product through multiple processes. Finally, children use the provided tools to dig out the toy parts and assemble them into the entire article. Our products focus archeology, treasure hunt, adventure, education and entertainment, that can enhance children’s cognitive ability, observation ability, hand workmanship ability, have them experience the fun of discovering. That’s our latest DIY series of toys.
本廠秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質 的服務。歡迎廣大客戶來廠來電洽談! Our philosophy – “Customer first, Move ahead". We treat our customers right, provide top quality service. Welcome customer call for business meeting.
![](https://cbu01.alicdn.com/img/ibank/2012/310/049/479940013_789033138.jpg) | |