Applicable place:
Applicable in flammable and explosive place completely, for a variety of indoor, outside the workplace, China's coal industry, petroleum, Sinopec, CNOOC, electric power, metallurgy, railway, steel, ships, troops, aerospace, public security fire control, chemical, government departments, venues, transportation, and large enterprises fixed lighting application needs.
This product is strictly in accordance with the requirements of GB3836-2000 "explosive gas environment using electrical equipment" and other relevant standards, can be safe and reliable work in the inflammable and explosive dangerous places.
Using a new generation of environmentally friendly solid light source, good light transmission, light distribution, the service life of up to 100000 hours, can achieve the effect of long-term maintenance free
Stable and reliable, no stroboscopic, low failure rate, low energy consumption, power consumption is only the same brightness of incandescent lamp 20%.
The shell is made of light alloy material, wear-resistant and anti - corrosion, waterproof and dust, and can meet the requirements of various environments.
The ultra-thin design, compact structure, small size, light weight, suitable for different top, wall embedded installation.
Has good electromagnetic compatibility, will not cause interference to the transmission network.
The transparent part adopts bullet proof rubber material, has high light transmittance, anti ultraviolet radiation and strong impact resistance.
防爆標志 Exd II T6/T4
額定電壓 AC220V
外殼防護 IP65
絕緣等級 1
防腐等級 WF2
光源 LED
距高比 2
外形尺寸 288x188x44mm
總重量 0.77kg
Explosion proof mark II T6/T4 Exd
Rated voltage AC220V
Shell protection IP65
Insulation level 1
Corrosion protection grade WF2
Light source LED
Distance higher than 2
Outline dimension 288x188x44mm
Total weight 0.77kg
本產品嚴格按照ISO9001:2000國際質量管理體系標準進行質量控製,確保產品質量高於國傢標準,完全達到設計要求,產品實行7年保用,光源保用3年 ,BPC8765 LED防爆平臺燈自購買之日起7年內,產品正常使用下出現任何故障由本公司負責免費維護.
Quality assurance:
This product in strict accordance with the ISO9001:2000 international quality management system standards for quality control, ensure product quality is higher than the national standard, fully meet the design requirements, the product implementation of 7 years of warranty, light source protection for 3 years
浙江正安防爆電氣有限公司成立於2006年,是一傢專門經營和生產防爆電氣設備、機器的有限責任公司,公司具備瞭一支較強的專業技術隊伍,已開發出強光電筒、微型防爆電筒、強光防爆燈、防爆無極燈、防爆潔凈熒光燈、防爆應急燈、防爆泛光燈、防爆投光燈、防眩泛光燈、內場防爆燈、外場防爆燈、防爆平臺燈、手提式防爆探照燈、防眩通路燈、防眩頂燈、LED礦燈巷道燈、隔爆熒光燈、本安型激光指向機、甲烷檢測報警機、氧氣測定器、一氧化碳測定器、甲烷氧氣兩參數報警機、光乾涉甲烷測定器、礦用電子風表、ZH30C化學氧自救器、ZYX30壓縮氧自救器、ZYX45壓縮氧自救器、ZYJ(A)礦用壓風自救裝置、壓風供水自救裝置、本安電路接線盒、ZYH2隔絕式正壓氧氣呼吸器、ZYH4隔絕式正壓氧氣呼吸器、礦用本安選號電話機、礦用本安電話機、礦用防水電話機、電動機綜合保護器、照明信號保護器、檢漏繼電保護器等。 我們的產品獲得組織機構代碼證、稅務登記證、營業執照、礦用產品安全標志證、工業許可證、質量管理體系認證書、實用新型專利證書和防爆合格證、礦用煤安證等一系列證書