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    1 、該產品可做130W/140W/150W/160W/170W/180W/190W/200W210W/220W/230W/240W/250W/260W/270W/280W/290W/300W/310W/320W/330W/340W/350W/360W/370W/380W/390W/400W,自主模具安裝支架,可做360度旋轉調節安裝簡單實用方便;
    1 、320W投射燈采用進口高純度鋁陽極氧化旋壓反射器;
    2 、320W投射燈德國進口材料製做的高透光率抗高溫抗腐蝕光源PC罩,
    3 、320W投射燈自主知識產權封裝的集成式100-500W大支架LED光源;獨特的多顆芯片集成式單模組光源設計,選用進口高亮度半導體晶片,具有更高光通量輸出,     導熱率高,光衰小,光色純,無重影等特點;
    4 、320W投射燈獨特的自主專利散熱體設計,充分利用空氣對流原理與熱量傳導學優化設計,與電器盒完美結合,有效將熱量傳導擴散,從而降低燈體內的     溫度,有效保證瞭光源和電源的壽命;散熱體表麵進行陽極氧化防腐處理,結構緊湊美觀,防護等級IP65;
    5 、320W投射燈高效率高功率因數恒流源,采用恒流恒壓控製,適用電壓寬(AC85V-265V)克服瞭因鎮流器產生電網噪音污染和引起的燈光不穩定,避免瞭   工作中給眼部帶來的刺激疲勞;
    6 、綠色環保無污染,不含鉛、汞等污染元素,對環境沒有任何污染;節能效果明顯,與鈉燈相比可節能70% 以上;
    7 、顯色性好,對實物顏色的呈現更真切。各種光色可選,能滿足不同環境的需求,消除瞭傳統燈具色溫偏高或偏低引起的壓抑情緒,使視        覺倍感舒適,提高瞭工人的工作效率;
    8 、裝飾效果極佳,采用特殊的表麵處理工藝,外觀可選擇多種顏色,安裝簡單,拆卸方便,適用范圍廣;
    9 、適用於各樓體亮化、碼頭照明、酒店等公共戶外建築亮化及其他需要照明的場所。


    1. LED High Bay Light Product Introduction
    Anodic oxidation tensile reflector;Acrylic light source seal lens;Single high power LED light source;High efficient constant current power.
    Workshop, factory, storeroom, toll station, gas station, hypermarket, exhibition center, gym and other places wher have lighting require.

    2. LED High Bay Light Product Features:
    1、Adopt big support bracket structure single integrated LED chip(160W) as light source which has independent intellectual property rights,the light source design is using special integrate muti-chips a module,use high bright imported led chips, provide higher lumen output, good heat dissipation , low light depreciation, pure light color, no double-shadow etc.
    2、Unique heat sink design perfectly combine with power box, effectively transmit the heat, thereby lowering the body’s temperature, ensure the life of light source and power.
    3、The heat sink surface have conducted anodic oxidation anticorrosive process., compact layout and beautiful,corrosion resistant、water proof and dust proof.
    4、Apparent energy saving effect, use high power LED and it is equipped with imported high efficient power, save more than 70% energy compare with sodium lamp. 
    5、Eco-friendly non-pollution, don’t contain pollution elements such as lead and mercury, totally non pollution to environment.
    6、Good color rendering, truly present subject’s actual color. Various color temperatures are optional, can meet different environment’s requirement, eliminating the depression which caused by traditional lamps’ color temperature is either high or low, makes visual feel more comfortable, improve worker’s efficiency.
    7、Adopt constant current constant voltage control, apply to wide voltage(AC85V-265V), overcome the problems like unstable and shaky light, sound pollution and generating power grid cause by ballast, avoid eye stimulation and fatigue during the work.
    8、Excellent adornment effect, use special surface treatment technology, various apparent colors available, easy installation and demolition, wide range of application.

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