外觀精美,高效節能亮度高,體積小且功能多,適合中小型設備的多種要求: *可自由變換LED燈層,即使安裝後改變燈層的順序或增減燈層的數量也無需重新接線。 *內置蜂鳴器可提供兩種報警聲音,音量高達85分貝,並可在0~85分貝之間手動調節。 *靈活的可拆卸,大大方便瞭設備的包裝和運輸。 *利用特殊反射鏡聚集LED光線,提高遠距離可見度。 *多種固定安裝支架可供選擇。 高壓規格為寬電源(電壓范圍AC85~265V) | The outward appearance is exquisite、High efficiency and energy saving high brightness、Small volume and more function。Suitable for small and medium-sized equipment various demands: * Free transform LED lamp layer,Even after installation change light layer order or increase or decrease the number of light layer also need not rewiring。 * Built-in buzzer can provide two alarm sound,Volume is as high as 85 decibel, and can be in 0 ~ 85 decibels manual regulation. * flexible removable, greatly convenient equipment packaging and transportation。 Use special mirror gathered LED light, improve visibility distance. A variety of fixed mounting bracket to choose。 High pressure specifications for wide power(Voltage range AC85 ~ 265 v) |
