產品圖片 | ||||||
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產品說明及細節圖片 |
塑料托盤產品描述: 塑料托盤是使用PEPP等熱塑性塑料,加上一些改善性能的添加劑,通過註塑、吹塑等工藝加工而成的。 隨著對生產條件、倉儲條件、過程控製、品質管理的要求不斷提高,由於木托盤在衛生狀況及規范生產上無法克服的局限性,塑料托盤開始出現,並很快占據瞭一席之地。目前已廣泛應用於機械、電子、食品、醫藥、服裝等行業。與木質托盤相比,塑料托盤整體性好,衛生潔凈,易於沖洗消毒,在使用中具有質輕、無釘刺、耐酸堿、不黴變等特點,其使用壽命是木托盤的5—7倍。此外,塑料托盤符合環保要求,廢盤材料可以回收利用。雖然塑料托盤價格相對偏高,但使用成本核算低於木托盤。 出口塑料托盤,聯運塑料托盤,防潮塑料墊板,防潮塑料托盤,叉車塑料托盤,貨架塑料托盤,物流塑料托盤,食品塑料托盤,啤酒塑料托盤,飲料塑料托盤,化工塑料托盤,煙草塑料托盤,機械塑料托盤,電子塑料托盤,鹽業塑料托盤,堆碼塑料托盤,聯運標準塑料托盤,港口塑料托盤,集裝箱塑料托盤等。
物流/快遞說明 | ||||||||
聯系方式 |
聯系地址:江蘇省鹽城市亭湖區永豐永新公路18號 聯系電話:13401776181 18936311518 傳真號碼:0515-88530560 騰訊QQ:33039541 阿裡旺旺:yctping EMAIL:[email protected]@GMAIL.COM |
公司簡介 |
●江蘇羽佳塑業限公司始建於1985年,系國內知名的從事塑料製品加工的私營企業。 ●廠區占地麵積65000平方米,建築麵積35000平方米,固定資產1.2億元。公司職工615人,各種專業技術人員105人,擁有10000-40000克特大型註塑機20臺機,4000-10000克大型註塑機20臺,2000-4000克中型註塑機20臺,2000克以下小型註塑機及焊接、擠塑、吹塑機30臺,年加工生產能力達25000噸以上。 ●公司產品有塑料托盤,周轉箱,物流箱,榨水車,垃圾桶,告示牌,購物籃,收納箱,保鮮盒,整理箱,靜音手推車,大型塑料桶,塑料箱,塑料盤,塑料籮,周轉筐及禽用喂水器,自動飲水器,喂料桶,開食盤,塑料雞籠,出雛盤孵化設備等幾大系列的300餘個品種,產品遠銷歐美及亞洲的日韓和港澳臺等國傢和地區。 ●2006年為瞭適應新一輪發展的需要,成立瞭江蘇羽佳模塑有限公司,專門從事各級別汽車塑料部件的開發生產,現已成為悅達起亞汽車的主要塑料件供應商。公司新廠區占地80000平方米,建築麵積45000平方,擁有世界領先的各種註塑機40臺。 ●公司已通過ISO9001,ISO14001和TS16949認證,並多年被評為市級明星企業。 Jiangsu Yujia Plastics industry Co., Ltd., founded in 1985, is a famous private enterprise specializing in manufacturing and processing plastics in China. It's with the occupying area of 65,000m2, the construction area of 35,000m2and the fixed assets of RMB 0.12 billion Yuan. At present, there are 615 employees and 105 professional technicians. In addition, the Company is also equipped with 20 sets of extra-large-scaled plastic molding machines (10000_40000g), 20 sets of large-scaled plastic molding machines (4000-10000g), 20 sets of middle-scated plastic molding machines (2000—4000g), and 30 sets of small-scaled plastic molding machines (less than 2000g), welding machines, plastic pressing machines and plastic blowing machines. The yearly capacity is more than 25,000 tons. The products plastic pallets, cleaning things, supermarket things, mute trolleys, cases, plates, baskets, equipment for feeding poultry and so on, altogether over 300 kinds. These products are well exported to Europe, USA, Japan, Korea South, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other counties and areas. In 2006, Jiangsu Yujia Molds & Plastics Co., Ltd was founded in order to meet the requirements on further development, which specializes in developing and manufacturing the plastic parts for auto- mobiles. The Company has been the supplier of the master plastic parts for KIA. The new plant of the Company is with the occupying area of 80,000m2, the construction area of 45000m2. In addition, it's also equipped with 40 sets of internationally advanced plastic molding machines. The Company has passed the authentication of IS09001 , IS014001 and TS16949, and has been regarded as "the Star Enterprise of Yancheng City" for many years.
