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→塑料托盤 → 塑料周轉箱 →塑料周轉筐 →塑料物流箱 →塑料環衛垃圾桶 →太空托盤
塑料托盤圖片 |
產品參數:1100*1100*150網格田字塑料托盤 靜載:4T 動載:1T 凈重: 約11KG 材質:HDPE 此款托盤適合周轉,堆垛,上貨架。
☆註:產品價格為不含稅不含運費的價格,物超所值,歡迎選購。 ☆註:網上交易買傢註意,產品總金額超過5000元以上和特訂產品不能進行網上交易,可通過簽定合同進行線下交易。另外凡購買本公司產品,顏色略微色差、重量偏差±0.5kg,或買傢選購規格大小、顏色錯誤,不允許退貨,如要換貨,來回運費需買傢自己承擔。如果在運輸過來中,有破損產品,可叫流物公司確認簽字,公司將退還破損產品的金額,或者下次發貨時補發給買傢,如要退貨,需買傢自己承擔運費及相關損失。 |
塑料托盤 產品特點 |
質保承諾:三年以內,因質量(非人為)損壞,以舊換新。 |
塑料托盤 適用范圍 |
義烏市團力塑料製品有限公司 公司位置 |
義烏市團力塑料製品有限公司 所在位置(義烏市北苑擁軍三區38號) |
義烏市團力塑料製品有限公司 聯系方式 |
TEL:18358000921 電話:0579-85203576 傳真:0579-85039691 QQ:313119350 旺旺:ywtlslzp 聯系地址:金華義烏北苑擁軍三區38棟 |
義烏市團力塑料製品有限公司 公司簡介 |
義烏市團力塑料製品有限公司專業從事塑料製品以及塑料模具設備的開發,設計,生產和銷售,主要產品有環衛垃圾桶,塑料托盤,塑料周轉箱,塑料周轉筐,塑料物流箱,塑料零件盒以及模具開發業務。我司為大型塑料托盤生產廠傢,是中國塑料托盤知名品牌,也是中國塑料托盤協會會員和中國物流與采購聯合會會員。有貨架系列,標準系列,超輕系列,部分產品填補瞭東南亞國傢和地區,產品符合環保要求,技術指標達到GB/T15234-94國傢標準和企業標準,在一些指標上參照歐美和日本標準生產,企業已經順利通過SGS ISO9001:2000 ISO9001:14000的論證審核。
Yiwu city regiment force plastic products Co., LTD is a professional company engaged in plastic products and plastic mould device development, design, production and sales, the main products are environmental sanitation trash can, plastic tray, plastic turnover box, plastic turnover basket, plastic logistics box, plastic parts box and mould development business. We are a large plastic tray manufacturers, is the Chinese plastic tray well-known brand, is also the Chinese plastic pallet association and the China federation of logistics &purchasing members. Have shelves series, standard series, super light series, some products to fill the gaps in southeast Asian countries and regions, the products accord with environmental protection requirement, the technical indexes reach GB/T15234-94 national standard and the enterprise standard, in some indexes refer to Europe, America and Japan standard production, the enterprise has been smoothly through the SGS ISO9001:2000 ISO9001:14000 demonstration of the audit.
The company always insists: "the market direction, the first-class quality, advanced technology, high quality service" the idea. Adhere to the products to new, quality to meet the needs of the from all walks of life friend, also have good services of the future, and welcome all circles friends to negotiate.
本公司的服務宗旨:質量第一,服務為本”誠信經營!! |
