- 產品品牌:泰通
威海泰通國際貿易有限公司威海泰通國際貿易有限公司是一家從事汽車空調執行器及碳纖維制品進出口貿易的專業公司。本公司享有進出口經營權,擁有團結的采購銷售團隊和雄厚的經濟實力。公司經營范圍廣泛,包括:汽車(不含九座以下乘用車)、摩托車及配件、電動車、電子元件、五金交電、日用百貨、針紡織品、建材的批發及零售;備案范圍內的貨物及技術進出口。(法律、行政法規禁止的項目除外;法律、行政法規限制的項目憑許可證經營)。威海泰通國際貿易有限公司有足夠的信心以優質的產品和合理的價格為客戶帶來更豐厚的利潤。現貨資源充足,質量第一、顧客至上、信譽為本是我公司的經營原則。為客戶提供優質的服務,滿足用戶的需要是本公司的核心工作。歡迎您來電垂詢,我們將竭誠為您服務! 電話:+86 18663152887 孟經理 傳真:+86 0631 5768827
辦公地址:山東省威海市環翠區羊亭鎮西海工業園內 Weihai taitong international trade Co., LTD.Weihai taitong international trade Co., LTD. Is specialized in automotive air conditioning actuators and carbon fiber products import and export trade of professional companies. We have a right to import and export, with united purchasing sales team and strong economic strength Company business scope extensive, including: car (not including nine under a car), motorcycle and fittings,electric bicycle/car, electronic components, wujinjiaodian, daily provisions, needles textiles, and building materials wholesale and retail; The record within the scope of the goods and technology import and export. (law, administrative regulations ban project except; laws and administrative regulations limiting the project by license to operate)Weihai taitong international trade Co., LTD. Sincerely welcome you! We have enough confidence in the products of high quality and reasonable price to bring customers more profit. Spot resources enough, quality first, customer supreme, credit for this is our company's business principles. For customers to provide quality services to meet the needs of users of the company is the core work. Welcome calls inquiry, we will serve for you with all sincerity!
TEL:+86 18663152887 Meng manager
FAX:+86 0631 5768827 URL:www.taitongtrade.com(Weihai taitong international trade Co., LTD.) ADD:Shandong province HuanCuiOu weihai city YangTing town XiHai industrial park
