五金底片 品質卓越 穩固耐用!
- 電 話: 86 0755 82797412
- 移動電話: 13760155289
- 地 址: 中國 廣東 深圳市 深圳市寶安區大浪華榮路聯建工業區6棟
- 郵 編: 518031
- 公司主頁:http://www.szyituo.com.cn
Our plasma and LCD TV stands are more than just supports - they're created in the latest styles for any decor. Classic wood-finished cabinets will give you storage space and add warmth. Beveled glass and steel posts let your entertainment system "float" for an ultimate contemporary look. Lift units are highly popular and will keep your system protected when not in use.
Our plasma and LCD TV stands are more than just supports - they're created in the latest styles for any decor. Classic wood-finished cabinets will give you storage space and add warmth. Beveled glass and steel posts let your entertainment system "float" for an ultimate contemporary look. Lift units are highly popular and will keep your system protected when not in use.