1.Product introduction產品介紹
- 1. Wind & Solar powered. No need of oil, gas, or coal, but transferring sunlight to power. No cost of money but improving life in area without electricity network.
風能及太陽能發電系統,無需油、汽、煤等燃料,直接吸取陽光變電源,不用花費一分錢,全麵提升無電地區生活質量。 - 2. Made of polycrystal (monocrystal) high-efficient solar solar panel, toughened glass with aluminum frame. Durable, easy for transportation, and with good appearance
采用多晶(單晶)高效率太陽能板,鋼化玻璃鋁邊框壓層,時尚美觀,堅固實用,方便攜帶運輸。 - 3. Equipped with meter, which tells the status of the system any time.
發電系統有直觀、明確的指示狀態。 - 4. Easily operable input and output system, requiring no adjustment for installation.
傻瓜式輸入輸出裝置,無需安裝調試,簡單操作,方便快捷。 - 5. Equipped with maintenance-free storage battery, with production from over-charge, over-discharge, over-load, and short circuit.
內置免維護蓄電池,帶過充、過放、過載、短路保護等功能。 - 6. Quite, small and light, no fear of vibration and dust, environmental friendly. This system is your first choice of green power supply wher there is no electricity network.
太陽能輕便發電器,靜音無聲、輕巧玲瓏、防震防塵、綠色能源、環保健康,是無電地區的必備之品。 - 產品屬性:
太陽能電池板(Solar panels Power): 多晶太陽能板:30W 電池(Battery):鉛酸電池24Ah USB輸出介面(USB Output Interface):5.5V 500mA 直流輸出介面(DC Output Interface):12V/5A 4路 重量(Weight):主機 10KG 尺寸(Size):300*190*190mm
2.Product pictorial 產品圖
2.1 YX-SES-B-30
