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    廠傢供應GX 高壓打氣筒,質量保證,價格優惠
    商品代碼: 4530206
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。


    1:Length: 630mm Closed, 1100mm Open長度:630MM壓下去著,抽起來1100MM

    2:Weight: 3kg  重量:3kg;

    3:Pressure: 350 BAR 4500psi壓力:350BAR 4500psi

    4:Folding base Plate  可折疊的底坐

    5: Pump for more than 1 hour without stopping氣筒200bar狀態下可以連續使用一個小時

    7:Barrel colors: Golden,Blue,Black,Silver


    OPERATION :操作:

    Please familiarize yourself with the method of operation, failure to do so could result in accidents, injury to the operator and / or damage to the pump.請先熟悉操作方法,錯誤的操作可能對使用者照成傷害或損壞氣筒


    Connect the filler device for your particular rifle. This will have been supplied with your rifle. Ensure this connection is tight. Attach the filler device to your rifle in the manufacturers handbook.把氣筒和你的容器連接起來,一般連接頭買儲氣瓶時有提供,根據其說明書將其連接。

    NOTE: Before starting to fill your rifle consult the rifles manufacturers handbook to ascertain the correct fill pressure.


    ②Check that the Bleed Valve Screw is fully in and tightened up.


    Place your feet on the pumps base plate, this ensures a stable platform whilst pumping.


    With the rifle placed on a mat and no kinks in the hose, begin pumping. Raise the handle upwards and press down to force air into the rifle. The most efficient way of pumping is to use the momentum of the upward stroke and your own body weight to push the handle down on the downward stroke.


    Continue pumping until the desired fill pressure is reached. Unscrew the Bleed Valve Screw and release the air still in the pump and hose. The Bleed Valve screw is situated underneath the Pressure Gauge. There will be an escape of air, this is perfectly normal and is simply the air venting from the pump body and the hose. By bleeding the system pressure is lowered in the connectors making them easier to detach from the rifle.



    NEVER try to disconnect the filler device from the rifle whilst the system is still pressurised as this can lead to accidents and injury to the person and damage the rifle.



    NEVER put your hands anywher near the Air Release Hole at the base of the pump when unscrewing the Bleed Valve Screw. The air here is under very high pressure and ignoring this warning could lead to serious injury.




    NEVER disassemble the pump. If for any reason it does not function correctly, consult the ATTENTION of the manual. If the symptoms still persist or you cannot find a solution via the trouble shooting guide call the dealer.


    NEVER use this pump to fill any vessel that has not been fully tested.



    When you start pumping the gauge does not move. Please check that the bleed valve has been fully tightened up. Air could be leaking out through the air vent hole.

    When you pump the gun up and then release the air from the pump,a large amount of air comes hissing out. This could be one of two things, depending on the amount of air escaping. You get a small volume of air escaping when you bleed the system, this is perfectly normal and is necessary for the safe working of the pump. If the volume appears excessive then the problem could well lie with the rifle or vessel being charged and its non return valve not operating correctly. Try the pump on a different vessel, if

    the problem persists there is a fault with the pump and you should return it to your dealer for repair, if the problem does not manifest itself the fault lies with the rifle or vessel and these should be dealt with as outlined in their own user instructions.







    1. 本產品設計最高使用壓力不高於22Mpa,任何個人不得隨意改裝(超過22Mpa會發生危險和意外事故!)
    2. 本氣泵是專利產品,專利號;200920073814.2任何部門和個人不得仿造。違者依法必究!





    廠傢供應GX 高壓打氣筒,質量保證,價格優惠_打氣筒_五金工具_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i