供應PVC可折疊運動墊,瑜伽墊,兒童爬行摔跤墊 mats
1. 品名Poduct Name: foldable pvc cushions and tumbling for sports and Yoga 運動墊子,爬行摔跤墊,瑜伽墊
2. 材質Material: PVC tarpaulin or foaming leather, with foams inside;PVC 夾網佈或發泡革,內填海棉
3. 高品質保障Insurance of high quality:產品中的所有材料均可通過各種歐美測試,如不含鄰苯二甲、環保、無毒、抗UV、阻燃、抗菌、不含6P、低鉛等。不會對人體皮膚產生不良刺激; all of the material of products can be through sevaral kinds of testing, such as Phalate-free, ecofriendly, non-poisonous,Anti-UV, fire-retardant, Anti-bacterium, free of 6P,etc. it haven't any stimulate for human beings.
4. 用途Application: 可用於兒童爬行,睡臥,休息,遊戲,墊子柔軟方便兒童自由活動; wildly used for children's playing, or educations in public amusement place, nursery school, personal place,etc.
5. 備註Notes:產品的規格尺寸,材質等均可根據客人要求調整;all of the specifications or materials or other details can be adjusting according to the requirements.
